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Battletoads 2020 Walkthrough Act 4 - Battle Toads

Welcome to the official Battletoads 3 Act 2020 walkthrough page for Xbox One and PC. 

Welcome to the official Battletoads 3 Act 2020 walkthrough page for Xbox One and PC. 


Act 4 is the final act of Battletoads and is essentially a sprint towards the end of the game. It introduces some new types of gameplay and mechanics, as well as several new characters. It also features the hardest boss fight in the game. Don't worry - this step-by-step guide will help you.

Stage 4, Act 1: Gut reaction

Optional buildable goal: Finish the level in 5:00 minutes or less.

When this level starts, you will control the selected character. You must quickly go downstairs so that the slime does not fall from the ceiling. If the slime hits you, you will die.

As you move down, you will come across a kind of stone pillar with a glowing sphere inside. Grab this sphere to "rest". This item essentially stops the slime from falling, giving you a chance to get ahead of it.

Right after the rest of the item is the wall to break through. Do this by pressing RT towards the wall.

Keep going down and hit the green slime at the bottom of the column. The platform will fall. Jump onto the platform to make room and continue to the right. Keep going down and you will be taught to slide. You can slide by holding B. This makes it easy to overcome upcoming obstacles.

Keep going down until you see a collectible. You will need to quickly ram the wall in front of him, grab the collectible and continue down to avoid the slime.


When you see green slime bubbles on the ground, use them to jump up to any platform nearby. Keep moving forward and be ready to go down again.

You will eventually reach a quick puzzle: destroy the green slime by ramming it, jump onto the platform that just went up, ram the vertical slime bubble and jump to the left to reach a place where you can start moving down. Once again.

Keep moving down and you will see the second collectible. Wait for the pillar to come out of the wall as you will need to walk over it to reach the collectible.

When you get to a section with several moving pillars, the easiest way to get through them is to dash towards the opening of each one. Keep going down. After passing another sliding section, you will be where we are below.

Destroy the green slime and go left. Continue down and you will see the third collectible. To get it, go down and jump on the blue platforms. Destroy the green slime and climb up this platform until you can jump up to reach the collectible. Take it, go left and continue down.


In the next section, don't step on the green slime bubbles. They will take you back to the platform you came down from, which will slow you down. Just jump over them.

Continue down and you will see the fourth collectible. Jump from the green slime bubble to the left and then ram the green slime going in and out of the walls. This will create a hole for collecting the collectible. Jump from the green slime bubble to the collectible and continue down.

In the next section, you need to destroy the green slime first so that the platform can move. Jump up and destroy the vertical green slime in the upper right corner of this area. Then go back down and jump to the right to continue down.

Climb down and destroy the two vertical green slugs. Go down the left side, being careful not to hit the spikes. Keep going down and when you see a green slime bubble, use it to jump up and grab the fifth and final collectible. The screenshot below is our Dark Queen:

Keep moving down and be ready to slide left and right to avoid the spikes on the vertical path you will have to take.

Act 4: Final

What we called the Act XNUMX finale is actually four different stages, but they all overlap with each other, so we thought it would be easier to fit them all into one easy-to-read space.

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The show is over

This phase will start with you taking control of one of the Battletoads. You will find yourself on a platform swarming with enemies and the Dark Queen hovering nearby. Not only do you need to defeat the enemies, but you also need to avoid getting stuck in one of the Dark Queen's mini-tornado attacks. If you get sucked into one, press X a few times to break free.

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Once you defeat the first wave of enemies, a screen will open and the platform will become larger. Now you need to defeat even more enemies.

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After you eliminate these enemies, you will be teleported to the "nightmare bike".

Nightmare Riders

Mechanically, they are just turbo bikes from an earlier version of the game.

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Just enter and avoid obstacles on the track. Press A to jump, LB to dash left, and RB to dash right. Do this for about two minutes and you will be teleported to a new area of ​​the scene.

Dissed Topians: Boss Fight: The Topians

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It's time to fight the Topians. These are two god-like characters that you have seen from time to time throughout the game.

One of the Topians (Uto) will fly onto the stage and five energy balls will spin around him. They will launch these five balls at you one by one. Dodge each of them, and when you can, approach them and land a few punches and kicks on Topian to damage him.

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After that, another topian (Pia) will descend. They make a strange grunting sound and then shoot their cloudy arms from one end of the stage to the other. When you hear this strange sound, jump to dodge the attack. Get rid of them and the Topian will get tired. They lower their heads and then you should attack.

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The other Topian (Uto) will return to the stage with his five energy balls, except this time, lightning clouds will appear above the stage. They will be charged with energy, and lightning will strike. You need to dodge those lightning strikes. When they are ready, the Topians will be tired and you will be able to mourn them again.

When the other Topian (Pia) descends, they use the Cloud Hand Movement again and crash into the ground. This gives rise to a shock wave. You need to jump over it to avoid damage. Wait until Pia gets tired and then attack them again.

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Uto will return and he will use his energy balls one more time, except this time they bounce all over the stage after being thrown at you, so you need to be especially careful to dodge each energy jump. ball. Attack the Uto by hitting and kicking them in the space between the energy balls swirling around them.

This cycle will repeat a few more times until you reduce their health to about one-third. When this happens, both will attack you as "Utopia". Take it? Uto + Pia.

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The only difference is that both Uto and Pia will use their moves at the same time. We recommend focusing on Pia as they are much easier to damage between turns. Uto has five energy balls spinning, making him particularly difficult to damage.

Kick and kick Pia in between his attacks and you'll quickly take down these bosses.

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After you lower their health bar, a cutscene will start.

The Last Stand

The Dark Queen will hold off Utopia's powerful attack, but she will need help in the end. Zitz comes to the rescue armed. You will need to rotate the left and right sticks counterclockwise and clockwise respectively until his arms are charged. You will then need to press and hold RT + LT.

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This is still not enough, so Rash will also rush to the rescue. Alternately press LT and RT, then press the left and right sticks when prompted to do so. It's still not enough, so Pimple joins the fight!

With it, you will need to push both sticks up, then both sticks down, and then up again. Then, when prompted, tap LT and RT alternately. Then, when prompted, press both handles and then press both handles and hold both handles up. This team move will defeat Utopia.

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Sit back and watch some cutscenes because you've just completed the game. Congratulations on saving the galaxy!