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Genshin Impact Price: How to Complete the Quest and Get the "Departure Date" Achievement

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Price - the task of the world Genshin impact in Tsumer. Learn how to complete the quest, get the "Departure Date" achievement, and the rewards for completing it.

Walking through Sumeru, you meet two weirdos...


How to start the task Price

To receive a peace quest Price The traveler needs to visit Port Ormos and proceed to the building with a multi-tiered green roof, in front of which there are two merchants Przheva and Alexandra.

Then you need to climb onto the roof on the back of the building and open regular chest, after which the task will run.

Walkthrough of the world quest "Price" Genshin Impact

Stages of passing the task:

Talk to Paimon after receiving the Mystery Item

When you open the chest, you will find a note stating that an old ship is leaving the port south of Mount Devantaki. Paimon guessed that this note contained the path to hidden treasures. you decide to check it out.

Look around the old place

The quest will transfer you to the next location indicated on the map. There you will find the merchants Przhev and Alexander discussing that someone opened the box and found out about their plans. It turns out that the couple wants to leave Sumeru and leave Fatui.

Meet Fatui face to face

Approaching the merchants, they will immediately understand that the Traveler is in front of them and it was he who opened this box. The couple will tell that they came up with a plan to leave Fatui's organization by faking death and ask the Traveler to confirm their death.

Examine the ambush site

Follow the marker to the specified location.

Here Przheva will tell about his plan, how they were attacked by monsters when they wanted to escape, and the Traveler retreated after fighting with a superior enemy. After, he allegedly returned with help, but the merchants were no longer there.

Go to where the call for help came from and sort it out

During the conversation, you will hear Alexandra sobbing and decide to figure out what's wrong. Move to the area where the quest marker leads.

Defeat the monsters

Defeat mushroomslocated in the area. The fight should not be difficult, because you will be opposed by mobs 75 level.

Talk to Alexandra

After defeating the monsters, you will find an injured Alexandra and baby Nick, the Child was gathering mushrooms to cook something tasty for Alexandra and dispel her blues. Entering the forest, he was attacked by mushrooms, but fortunately a girl was nearby and tried to help, but was injured.

All this disrupted the plans and now you need to take Nick to the Hermit camp.

Take Nika to the Desert Camp

Move to the location indicated on your radar, where you will find the Berat Desert Mercenary. Give him the child and go back.

Come back and see how Alexandra is doing

Alexandra is not there. Now Mercenary Berat has come here. After a short dialogue, he and Nika will leave to report to the authorities about what happened.

You just have to visit the agreed place in which Alexandra and Przheva were supposed to leave a note, provided that their escape was a success.

Return to Port Ormos and read the note on the sign near the house. After reading it, you will get the achievement "Departure date» and complete the quest


Przheva, Alexandra
Przheva : …Deal closed?
Alexandra : Just unloaded goods from the old ship. Everything is fine.
Przheva : No leaks? Is the item securely hidden?
Alexandra : Reliable, reliable. Nobody will find.
Alexandra : That's just ... what to do with old things?
Przheva : Get rid of them. As soon as a new product arrives, we can throw this one away.
Alexandra : M-maybe not worth it? ..
Talk to Paimon after receiving the Mystery Item
Paimon : Ouch! The box has opened! How simple.
Let me have a look…
The box might be related to those Fatui...
Paimon : Hmm ... Let's first see what's inside.
Paimon : Looks like... it's just old clothes and a pile of letter paper.
Paimon : It is written here…
Paimon : "South of Mount Devantaki, an old ship leaves the port."
Paimon : What does it mean? How could a ship be in the mountains...
It must be a mystery...
Fatui are up to something.
Paimon : Well… you just have to go there and have a look.
Paimon : In this drawer ... only old clothes and a mountain of letter paper.
Traveler : What is written there?
Paimon : I'll see...
Paimon : It says here: "South of Mount Devantaki, the old ship leaves the port."
Paimon : What does it mean? How could a ship be in the mountains...
This is a clue leading to the treasure.
Maybe it's a treasure?
Paimon A: I wonder who put it here.
Paimon : No matter. Let's just check!
Look around the old place
Paimon : South of Mount Devantaki... It's a huge area.
Paimon : Excellent review. Let's wait here. Let's see if anyone comes.
You're waiting with Paimon...
Paimon : Look! Someone is coming!
Przheva : Why so late? Any problems?
Alexandra : …Sorry! Someone opened the box. Our plan...
Przheva : What? Have we been discovered? But…the authorities haven’t sent anyone here lately…
Alexandra : Maybe ... maybe it was Nika who opened it? Recently, the children kept coming and asking me to take them to play ...
Przheva : Eh ... I asked you not to approach the locals unless absolutely necessary.
Alexandra A: But I felt so sorry for them. Parents always disappear somewhere, and they are all alone.
Przheva A: Okay, what's done is done. Anyway, we're leaving here today.
Paimon : Are we leaving? From Sumeru?
Alexandra : We have no one to help... Can the plan work? If the authorities catch us...
Przheva : There is no point in worrying about it... Isn't it enough for you?
Przheva : Shake every day like a frightened hare.
Przheva : If we want to leave Fatui, today is our last chance!
Alexandra : I-I understand, but...
Paimon : They want to leave Fatui?
Traveler : Let's watch.
Paimon A: Okay, but you need to be alert. They are still Fatui!
Meet Fatui face to face
Przheva, Alexandra
Przheva : Ha ha, well, they finally came.
Traveler : Did you see us?
Przheva : You've been eavesdropping in one place for too long.
Przheva : When the wind blew, I saw that the bush behind which you were hiding swayed differently than the one growing nearby.
Paimon : Pretty silly...
Przheva : #Blonde hair… and a strange fairy nearby. Looks like you are the "traveler{F#t}{M#k}" that the {F#th}{M#th} is mentioned in the report.
Yes it's me.
Have you prepared an ambush for us?
Przheva : Your presence proves that you have seen the contents of the box.
Przheva : I never thought that Alexandra's chatter could be useful.
What did you think?
So all these words were especially for us?
Przheva : As you heard, Alexandra and I want to leave Fatui.
Przheva : Do not look at me so. We are not top management or front line fighters.
Przheva : At best, we are pawns left in a random place and waiting in the wings.
Przheva : There are many like us, but ... most of us do not receive any orders.
Przheva : We are just useless Fatui that everyone around is afraid of.
Przheva : We don't like this kind of life. Instead of dragging out a meaningless existence here, it is better to try to get away from Fatui.
Alexandra A: But it's not that easy to do. If they find out about this ... we are definitely finished.
Alexandra : So we came up with a plan with a "fake death." Maybe that's how we'll be free.
Alexandra : But now we need someone convincing to confirm our "death".
Przheva : #You traveler {F#ca}{M#k}, is known to everyone in Fatui. Yes, and ... hehe, you're not on good terms with us.
Przheva : You're perfect for confirming our deaths.
How did you know that I would come here?
#And if it was {F#a} not me?
Przheva : I didn't know that, but I would still wait for you.
Przheva : Patience is one of my few strengths.
Przheva : #Now you know everything, travelers {F#ca}{M#k}. Whether you help us or not is up to you.
Przheva : If you agree, you will be rewarded.
Alexandra : The reward will be the plague, which Przheva and I honestly earned. You have nothing to worry about, really!
Alexandra : I ... I cook dinner for those kids, help them sew clothes, tell stories, play with them ...
Alexandra : And Przheva helps the inhabitants to hunt and distribute the prey ...
Alexandra : We will continue to do the same when we leave Fatui! And also…
Przheva : Alexandra! You talk a lot!
Alexandra : Ah… oh! Sorry…
Przheva : #In general, the choice is yours, travelers {F#ca}{M#k}.
I will help.
Are you afraid that I will betray you?
Przheva : #Thank you traveler{F#ca}{M#k}. We will pay you handsomely.
Przheva : Agreed then. The matter cannot be delayed. Let's go. It's time to get ready.
Przheva : Alexandra, prepare everything there.
Przheva : #Travelers{F#ca}{M#k}, please follow me.
Examine the ambush site
Przheva : So. The plan is very simple.
Przheva : Alexandra and I, hee hee, evil, evil Fatui, who came to the forest to do their evil, evil deeds.
Przheva : #And you, either out of righteous anger, or out of a sense of justice, decided {F#a} to stop us.
Przheva : In battle, Alexandra and I were about to run away, but suddenly monsters attacked us, and we fell from their paws.
Przheva : #You had to retreat because there were too many of them. And when you brought {F#ate}{M#ate} people here, we were no longer here.
Przheva : How do you like this legend?
Well thought out.
With the Fatui I've met, everything ends in exactly the same way.
Przheva : #If you knew {F#a} how much time I spent making everything look convincing, including our death.
Przheva : Where is Alexandra? She should have been back by now. Is there any problem with the monster bait?
Nika : Alexandra! Alexandra! whine…
Paimon : Someone's voice! There!
Przheva : Oh no, something happened to Alexandra!
Paimon : Hey! Stop! What are you doing?!
Traveler : Quicker!
Paimon Q: What happened here...
Go to where the call for help came from and sort it out
Defeat the monsters
Talk to Alexandra
Alexandra : I'm sorry ... khe-khe ... Przhev ...
Przheva : Do not say anything. Let me bandage you.
Nika : Snort… forgive me…
Traveler : What are you doing here?
Nika : I ... I came to collect mushrooms ... Sniff ...
Nika : In the last days of Alexandra ... she was so sad ...
Nika : So we decided to cook something tasty for her. Make her a surprise.
Nika : She used to often bring us here for mushrooms. There are many, many here! So I decided to come myself and collect a little bit.
Nika : But... but when I entered the forest, all these mushrooms suddenly surrounded me.
Nika : And to save me, Alexandra... she... Sob...
Alexandra : Phew… N-nothing, Nika… I’m fine…
Przheva : #Travelers{F#ca}{M#k}, looks like our plan has gone awry.
Przheva : Perhaps other Fatui noticed how we left the city without permission. If I return with an injured Alexandra, she will be arrested and interrogated.
And your plan...
What are you to do?
Przheva : Hehe, it remains only to change the plan.
Przheva : When I was heading here, I saw that the Hermits were walking in this direction.
Przheva : #Travelers{F#tsa}{M#k}, first take this prankster out of the forest and send to them, but for now I'll take Alexandra from here.
Przheva : …
Przheva : Do you remember our wonderful plan? Looks like our joke turned out to be true.
Przheva : Hermits will surely think that we, the evil Fatui, are plotting something here. And Nicky's rescue was just a front.
Przheva : And the fact that monsters attacked us ... well, we deserved it.
Nika : Sob ... Alexandra ... I will never, never indulge again ...
Przheva : Fortunately, this prankster is still too small to understand our conversation.
But you just wanted to help...
But you didn't have bad intentions...
Przheva : Trust me, they would rather believe that "the evil Fatui got what they deserved"...
Przheva : ...than that "Fatui died a heroic death."
Przheva : #Remember where you first heard {F#a} how Alexandra and I were talking? If... we manage to escape, I'll leave a letter there.
Traveler Q: Right from the start, you…
Przheva A: We only have one chance. You have to be careful.
Traveler : First you need to help Alexandra!
Alexandra : #Nothing... traveler {F#tsa}{M#k}... Cough-cough... I can handle it.
Alexandra : ...If I miss this opportunity, then I will remain Fatui, it's better if I ... Cough ... Cough!
Nika : Alexandra, where are you going? Let's go together! Everyone is looking for you.
Alexandra : #Nika… listen to me… traveler {F#ca}{M#k} will take you… Cough cough…
Alexandra : I need... I need to rest a little... and then I'll be back...
Nika : But... but...
Alexandra : Have I ever cheated on you? Cough cough... be obedient, okay?
Nika : Okay… Snort…
Alexandra : #Travelers please {M#k}{F#ca}...
I'll be back soon.
All right.
Przheva : #Thank you so much traveler {M#k}{F#ca}.
Take Nika to the Desert Camp
Berat : I never thought that the assignment would be so tedious.
Berat : Hey, who's there!
Berat : #Nick... and travelers {F#ca}{M#k}? What brings you here?
Please take care of Nick!
Someone has been attacked!
Paimon : M-we are in a hurry! Take care of Nick!
Berat : BUT? What nonsense, wait!
Alexandra, Przheva
Alexandra : I'm sorry ... Przhev ... I'm not good for this job ...
Przheva : Do not say that.
Come back and see how Alexandra is doing
Paimon : Alexandra must be around here somewhere. Where did they go?
Paimon : Where are you?!
Berat : Quiet you! And then the monsters will come running!
Berat : Nika told us everything. I did not know that Alexandra and Przheva were from Fatui.
Berat : But I still talked with them. I thought they were decent people...
Nika : Alexandra is good! And Przheva is very formidable ... but also good!
Berat : Come on. They are Fatui! Suddenly they just pretend to be good, and behind their backs they think something was wrong.
Berat : I heard about their affairs.
Berat : Maybe they were up to something here. Was Nicky's rescue just a front?
They are…
They are...not bad...
Berat : Who knows. In any case, they are not here.
Berat : Someone was hurt here… Judging by my experience, the monster patted. Brrr…
Nika : Berat! Please, please, look for more!
Berat : Nika, if I didn't come here alone, I swear I would take my people and comb the whole forest.
Berat : And since I'm alone, and monsters live here, not to mention Fatui ...
Berat : #Ahem... Travelers{F#ca}{M#k}, let's go back to the city. I will report everything to the authorities and wait for their decision. We will act in accordance with it.
Berat and Nika are leaving...
Paimon : His reaction was exactly as Przheva predicted ...
Paimon : Did they manage to escape?
Paimon : Nothing to do. Let's get back.
Paimon : Przheva said that if they managed to escape, they would leave a note for us in the same place.
Paimon : When there is time, you need to go check.
Berat, Nika
Berat : Don't cry, Nika. What happened?
Nika : Sob-sob... Alexandra...
Berat : Alexandra? What is she doing here?
Berat : Nika, tell me everything you know.

Quest Rewards Price

  •  Adventure Experience × 150
  •  Mora × 20000
  • Hero XP × 3

All tasks in the world of Sumeru

Omnivorous gourmets "As part of duty"Price
Adventure takes courage!Ode to Garcia: The Gift of Compatibility
The path to knowledgeAs long as the dream lasts
Miracle HookYak about four legs, but stumbles
Treasure of Wisdom: The New PlanAranyaka
vimana agamaVaruna-gata
Agnihotra Sutraculinary dream
Fatui has a mind like a statueBrief encounter with a rare bird
Where are the ferocious animals?Tree and dreams
Rejected toyUntil the wana is healed
Epilogue: memoriesStatic Views, Part II
Courage comes from the heartChildren from Vimara village
Trekkinglost child
world aranarchildren of the forest
Food is the natural taste of natureFood is a happy memory
Food is the aroma of the homelandFood is a way to share beauty
Performance in the foreststone memory
Song leading down the dark pathdormant roots
The song that feeds the sproutThe song that opens the animal path
Prayer for rain on fertile landFurious piece of iron
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