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League of Legends Champion Rengar: Skills and Costs


trophy hunter

Health:585 (+90 per level)

ATK:68 (+3 per level)

Attack speed:NaN (+3% per level)

Movement speed: 345

Health recovery:7 (+0.5 per level)

Armor:34 (+3 per level)

Magic resistance:32.1 (+1.25 per level)






invisible predator

While in the bushes, Rengar jumps on the target during his basic attacks.

When using skills against enemies, Rengar gains Rage charges. When he reaches the maximum number of charges, his next skill is empowered and Rengar's movement speed is increased, but he loses all Rage charges if he leaves combat.

Rengar gains trophies on his Tooth Necklace for killing enemy champions, permanently increasing his bonus attack power.



Cost: Gain 1 Rage
Attack range: 450

On his next attack, Rengar violently pierces the target, dealing additional damage.

Ferocity Effect: The skill deals even more damage and increases attack speed.

Rengar's next 40 basic attacks have their attack speed increased by 30%. First attack deals 60/90/120/150/XNUMX (+0) physical damage.
Ferocity Effect:Savage damage increased to 0 (+140% attack power); Rengar's Attack Speed ​​is increased by [0]% for 5 seconds.


battle roar

Cost: Gain 1 Rage
Attack range: 450

Rengar lets out a battle roar, dealing damage to enemies and healing himself for a small amount of recently lost health.

Ferocity Effect: Additionally interrupts crowd control effects.

Deal 50/80/110/140/170 (+80% Ability Power) magic damage to all nearby enemies and heal for 50% of the damage taken in the last 1.5 seconds.
Ferocity Effect:Deals 0 (+80% Ability Power) magic damage and breaks all active CC in addition to the normal effect.Health restored from damage taken by monsters increased by 50%.


Throw bola

Cost: Gain 1 Rage
Attack range: 1000

Rengar throws a bola, briefly slowing the first enemy hit.

Ferocity Effect: Rengar immobilizes the target.

Throws a bola dealing 55/100/145/190/235 (+80% bonus attack power) physical damage and reducing the movement speed of the affected enemy by 30/45/60/75/90% for 1.75 seconds.
Ferocity Effect:deals 0 (+80% bonus attack power) physical damage to the affected enemy and immobilizes them for 1.75 seconds.


Hunting excitement

Cost: no cost
Attack range: 2500/3000/3500

Rengar listens to his predatory instincts, masquerading and revealing the nearest enemy champion in a significant radius around them. During the duration of Thrill of the Hunt, his movement speed is increased, and his next basic attack against a tracked target becomes a jump and reduces the victim’s armor, even if Rengar was not in the bushes.

Rengar's movement speed is increased by {{ stealthms }}% and he gains true vision nearest enemy champion within {{ selfvisionrange }} units. by {{ stealthduration }} sec.In {{ fadetime }} sec. Rengar disguised and gains the ability to jump on enemies when auto-attacking, even when not in the bushes. Jumping on the nearest champion deals {{ bonusdamage }} physical damage to the target and reduces their armor by {{ armorshred }} for {{ armorshredduration }} seconds.Enemy champions within {{ enemydetectionrange }} units from Rengar and their nearby allies can sense it during the duration of the Thrill of the Hunt. Enemies revealed by the Thrill of the Hunt remain revealed while in the area of ​​the hunt. Attacking or using most skills will interrupt the Thrill of the Hunt.
Disguise: Rengar is hidden from enemies. It can be revealed by nearby enemy champions and towers.