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Conqueror's Blade - How to Craft Weapons and Armor


A detailed guide to creating personal items and items for sale

Conqueror's Blade Guide - How to Craft Weapons and Armor

In addition to the standard equipment that can be obtained by completing some quests, Conqueror's blade any player can create the item or weapon he needs from Workshop Manager. Such a character is literally in every settlement. But in addition to money, crafting items will require a certain amount of materials, and improved items will require equipment schemes.

Item personalization

All items in Conqueror's Blade can be divided into personal and non-personal. The ability to sell the item at auction directly depends on this mark. All non-personal items can be personalized: for example, if you have a non-personal item and you put it on your hero, then it will become personal. Well, by creating things immediately from personal materials, you are guaranteed to receive personal armor or weapons. Therefore, if you create an item for sale, then use non-personal equipment schemes and materials: for this you will only have to spend silver coins.

Conqueror's Blade Guide - How to Craft Weapons and Armor


Materials are divided into eight types:

  • A bowl with varnish;
  • blank;
  • plate;
  • A skein of twine;
  • Mail ring;
  • Rivet;
  • Silver shavings;
  • Golden shavings.

As we described above, materials can also be labeled as personal. Non-personal materials can be purchased at the auction, found in the treasury, or when parsing non-personal items. Such materials are very rare, therefore they are highly valued by players and cost a lot of money.


Treasure Opening Rewards

Treasure Opening Rewards

It is much easier to get personal materials - just dismantle the corresponding items, weapons and armor from Workshop Manager. For this, you do not need to spend silver currency, but only copper. In addition to scrapping items, you can complete weekly quests and receive supply chests that contain a certain amount of materials.


Chest rewards for completing weekly quests

Chest rewards for completing weekly quests

The most valuable of the materials can rightfully be considered rivet и silver shavings, since the cost of the first at the auction currently exceeds 300 silver coins per piece, and the second cannot be purchased at all. You can collect the required number of rivets and silver shavings when disassembling items "Tung Leggings", which sells Horse Merchant. To collect 30 items of material, you will need to dismantle 40-50 items. Thus, it will cost you about 30 to 40 thousand copper coins. Together with the rivets, the hero's inventory will definitely be added "Disc","Mail ring" and "bowl with varnish».

When the required number of rivets and other resources is obtained, you will have to get "plate" and "skein of twine". Again we run to the Merchant of horses, we buy a certain amount of "Tung shanfronovand disassemble these items. According to our observations, to get about 80 plates and 60 pieces of twine, you need to disassemble about 40 of these things.

gold shavings can only be obtained when dismantling high quality items, for example, most often the resource drops out of rare or unique items. Keep in mind that the chance of dropping material is very small, even if you dismantle a valuable item.


Each element of armor can be divided into several levels. The first two levels do not need a schema to create, but the remaining levels will definitely need it. The schemes themselves are divided into several types:

Kit schemes

Schematics can be obtained from various chests (mostly by completing weekly quests), in normal battles, as well as found in the treasury, purchased at the auction, and obtained during the passage of seasons. Using a basic blueprint can result in an uncommon, rare, or unique item, while crafting an item from detailed blueprints can result in rare, unique, and legendary items. Needless to say, personalization extends to schemas as well. Blueprints obtained from chests for completing weekly quests cannot be sold, just like the item obtained with the help of it.

Making things as a way to make money

In most cases, it will not work to make money on creating things and weapons, since you need to spend a large amount of silver coins to get a non-personal item.

Even if you find or get a rare equipment scheme, you will have to dismantle non-personal items to get materials.

As we described above, for this you need to spend a lot of the base currency, and such a craft simply may not pay off.

Especially for guidance, we decided to conduct a small experiment, and having a rare musket scheme at our disposal, we created the “Combat Musket”. To collect the required amount of resources, 64200 silver was spent on the purchase of equipment from the Horse Merchant.

Conqueror's Blade Guide - How to Craft Weapons and Armor

We received a gun with good characteristics, which was put up for auction and bought at a price of 72000 silver coins. But if the received weapon or item after creation does not have additional bonuses to the characteristics, then do not even think of getting a good payment for it.

Conqueror's Blade Guide - How to Craft Weapons and Armor

Despite this, when disassembling items in the inventory, the hero left a certain amount of non-personal materials that were suitable for sale. The total cost of such items was ~ 25000 coins.

Why are weapons with stat bonuses so valuable when buying an item?

Any item can be reforged and get additional bonuses to the characteristics. But the fact is that in addition to materials, this will require an appropriate scheme. If we are talking about rare schemes, then getting them is quite problematic: they appear on sale several times a day and cost a lot of money. That is why users prefer to buy items with bonuses attached.

If, after crafting, you received equipment of even unique rarity, but which does not have good bonuses to characteristics, then it is difficult to sell it at an adequate price and not remain in the red. In most cases, the sale of non-personal materials obtained from the analysis of things will not help to recoup all costs.

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