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Gurrank, Beast Priest of Elden Ring: Where to find the merchant and how to complete his quest

Gurrank, Beast Priest (Gurranq, Beast Clergyman) is a special NPC merchant in the game Elden Ring. It is a massive and deformed creature, forever hungry and thirsty to absorb the root of death, a manifestation of the Rune of Death.

In-game description

A huge bestial monster hiding under the priest's rag robe. He eats the roots of death that travelers bring him, and in return endows them with his power.

Where to find Gurranq Beast Clergyman

Gurrank is located in the Animal Refuge, which is located in the very corner of the Starry Wastes in the northeast. It is very easy to get to him on the tip of Dee, the Hunter of the Dead, which will lead to a secret passage leading directly to the refuge. If you do not know where to find Di, then our guide here, because this NPC is part of Fii's questline.

How to complete Gurranq Beast Clergyman Elden Ring quest

Players must go to Village by the waters of the call and win Boatman Tibia, then return to Dee and continue your search. He will give you directions to go to the Animal Sanctuary in Calydus. You can teleport there without having to explore by going to the Departure Gate in East Limgrave.

  • Does not talk to the player until they have brought at least one death root.
  • When the player brings the fourth death root, Gurrank goes into a starvation frenzy and attacks the player. After he has about half health left, he calms down. Then it will be possible to bring offerings to him as before.
  • Upon death, an ancient dragon's smithing stone drops from him.
  • At night, Gurrank moves and appears on the right side of his sanctuary, where he will howl at the moon.
  • In total, nine death roots can be brought to Gurrank, after which his storyline ends.

What Trader Gurrank, Beast Priest of Elden Ring sells

1Claw Seal and Animal Eye
2Animal Sling
3Bestial Vitality
4Animal Roar
5Beast Claw
6Gurranka stone
7Beast Great Hammer
8Claw of Gurranka
9Dragon Smithing Stone
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  1. Batter
    Will there be a guide to all the roots of death?
    1. Butcher79
      Yes, already in the works!
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