Elden Ring
Elden Ring is a third-person action-adventure soulsborne action RPG set in a dark fantasy world from the creators of the Dark Souls series with the participation of the author of Game of Thrones. The focus is on a dying world, where only warriors who have lost their blessing are trying to bring it back to life. Players expect a wide selection of weapons and magic; improved combat system, giving more control over the character; new role-playing elements compared to previous From Software games.
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How to team up with friends in the Elden Ring Colosseum in PvP

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Colosseum update from Elden Ring finally launched and players are already enjoying the PvP arena that the new patch has brought with it. In addition to competing with other online players with powerful builds, spells and spells, you will also be able to fight or team up with your friends in the three available PvP modes.

To team up with friends, you will need to either travel to Limgrave or Colosseum Calidus. Two arenas will allow you to join a match with friends and prepare for free for all modes United Combat и Combat Ordeal.

However, some players have reported that they are having trouble playing Colosseum with their friends.

Today's guide will show you how you can team up with your friends in Elden Ring's newest PvP arena, the Colosseum.

Team up with friends at the Elden Ring Coliseum

As mentioned, in order to be able to play the new PvP arena with friends in Elden Ring, you will need to either sneak into the Limgrave Colosseum or Caelidus Colosseum. However, only Caelida Colosseum will allow you to use Ashes of Souls.

Therefore, in order to be able to team up with your friends in the Colosseum, you will need to:

  • Make your way to the game menu item and go to multiplayer. There you will need to set up a group password. The password is displayed on the right side of the screen. Make sure it's simple, but hard enough so that strangers don't accidentally sneak in.
  • Once your password has been set, you will need to share it with your friends - whoever you want to play Colosseum Mode with. They will then have to use their tarnished curled finger and only then will you be able to summon them to your server.
  • They will need to use the same password to join your world. Once they enter, you and your teammates will need to sneak into either of the two aforementioned Coliseums in Elden Ring.
  • It's important that you and your friends use the same Colosseum to play the mode, otherwise you won't match. Once you and two other friends reach any of the Colosseum, you will need to select a United Combat match where you can play together as a team against others.

The United Combat mode will allow you to fight against a group of three ready-made players or three random players.

Update Elden Ring is such that you can play against each other if you are in a group of six people. You can go for a 3v3 match or free for all against each other. However, for this to happen, you and your friends will need to set up and use a Colosseum password before entering it.

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  1. Alex
    This article is not accurate. Did you actually test this? "They will need to use the same password to join your world. Once they enter, you and your teammates will need to sneak into either of the two aforementioned Coliseums in Elden Ring." If you summon a friend into your world, a gray mist wall appears in front of the colosseum, and you are not able to enter. You can not place down a furled finger inside the colosseum.
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