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How to defeat the Queen of Rennala Full Moon boss in Elden Ring

Queen Rennala Full Moon (Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon) is a demigod boss in Elden Ring that must be defeated in order to progress further in the game's story.

The last queen of Kariya, Rennala Full Moon. And the grandeur of the night that she conjures up.

Elden Ring is home to many terrifying bosses, and one of the not-so-simple demigods is Queen Rennala Full Moon (Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon). Unlike Margit, Rennala Full Moon is one of the required bosses game, which means that the hero cannot avoid fighting her. For defeating Rennala, you will receive the eponymous Elden Ring achievement.

The location of the boss Queen of Rennala Full Moon (Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon) in Elden Ring

This is the second main boss of Rai Lukaria Academy.
The academy is located north of Stormvale Castle. The entrance to the Academy of Paradise Lukaria is closed by a barrier. To do this, you need to find the Glintstone Key to remove it. Key Location:

  • First Key near Temple Quarter on Lake Liurnia, west of Rai Lukaria Academy. There will be a sleeping dragon on a large sheer cliff. You can sneak past the dragon, where the body of a dead sorcerer will lie, from which you can pick up the key
  • The second key can be found inside the academy, which will be needed for the NPC sorcerer Tops

How to defeat the boss Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon in Elden Ring

Area Light AttackWhen she recovers from having her bubble burst, Rennala charges a light into her hand and unleashes a powerful AoE attack at her location.Roll back as soon as you see her hand fill with light.
energy beamIt casts a powerful horizontal energy beam.Roll to both sides.
energy dropsShe arches her staff to release 4 drops of energy from behind her head as she moves backwards.Roll forward to dodge them.
Energy releaseShe fires one burst of energy with her right hand.Throw right.

The first part of Rennala's fight takes place in a bubble floating overhead in a creepy library, while the room is full of her students, who cast a variety of spells with voices like from the scariest horror movie. Some will throw books at you as projectiles, while others will breathe fire. The students who throw books at you are the ones who "support" Rennala's bubble. Attack them to break their concentration. As soon as there are fewer crawling students, Rennala will hit the ground. Punish her as soon as she gets on her knees. Don't be greedy for hits, but don't stay near Rennala for too long either! Once she starts emitting light, move away as quickly as possible to avoid her AOE attack. She will raise several students to revive and maintain her bubble. When it rises, there are fewer disciples on earth.

After completing this process 3 or 4 times, Rennala will fall down and begin her second phase, after a short cutscene.

The second part of the battle will take place directly with the Queen. This time, she will cast a few spells and begin the fight by releasing a powerful energy wave in your direction. Be especially attentive to her call. She will drop them when her health bar reaches 75%. She will stick her staff into the ground and a pattern will appear on the water, summoning the creature. Don't let any of them take you by surprise. The summoned mob is not durable, if it is not killed quickly, then it will carry out several attacks and leave the battlefield.

She can summon Giant, Knight and Dragon.


Rennala takes very little magic damage, so if you're playing as a mage, it's best to use a melee weapon if you can, as it will only deal significant physical damage to her.

If you are using a bow just shoot her continuously as the physical damage is good here. Disassemble the students in step I.

In the second phase, clear her summons with melee attacks if you are a mage. Press on her with attacks, not letting her come to her senses and call on the wolves!

If you are an archer, no one canceled the physical damage from arrows. Shoot Rennala constantly, dodging her energy attacks by rolling forward, but never back, as you will be under attack.

Drop from Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon boss in Elden Ring

Queen of Rennala Full Moon (Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon) drops Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen, Great Rune of the Neverborn after his defeat and 40000 Runes.

So that's all our tips and tricks you need to defeat Queen Rennala Full Moon in Elden Ring. Make sure you check out our WiKi Page Elden Ring for all the latest news and guides. You can check other Elden Ring boss guides by choosing from the list below:

Rune Bear | Bloodhound Knight Darryvil | Bastard Leoninnight riders | Pumpkinhead Madman | Ancient Hero of Zamora | Margit A Terrible Omen | Godric the Hundred Hands | Radan Beach Stars

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