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How to defeat the Nightriders bosses in Elden Ring

night riders (Night's Cavalry) is a group of Bosses in Elden Ring. night riders are imposing figures of knights riding dark horses, wielding great maces of the Morning Star as weapons.

В Elden Ring there are several locations by night ridersthat roam the lands of the game. They can be found in various places and only appear at night. These are optional bosses, as players do not have to defeat them in order to advance in the dungeons.

Night's Cavalry Locations in Elden Ring

  • Limgrave
  • weeping peninsula
  • Calydus

How to defeat the Night's Cavalry in Elden Ring

There are some Bosses Night riders, which can be found in various places. Each of them counts as a separate boss with little difference, and each will drop different loot. A common feature of the How to Defeat Night's Cavalry bosses in Elden Ring is that they always ride a horse and only appear at night.

Jump attackJumps forward with his horseRoll to both sides. Keep moving constantly if on horseback.
Wide swingsUses a bardiche in a wide archRoll back or jump if possible.

Night Riders only spawn at night. His black horse moves faster than his size would seem. Beware of his amazing forward leaps, he can cover a great distance in a matter of seconds thanks to these jumps.

A simple strategy is to dismount and wait for him to attack you, dodge his attacks with a side roll and deal damage. This is easier to do with a weapon with a longer duration that applies effects. Just make sure you close the distance to the boss quickly, using the time the boss exits the attack animation to get in close and land your hits. Blocking is not recommended as it consumes a lot of stamina unless you are using Tower Shield.


You can more or less repeat the same strategy as for melee, but instead of rolling towards him, roll back to create a safe distance and fire magic or bow shots. If you're using a bow, it's best to use a shorter version so it can fire quickly.

Alternatively, you can fight him on horseback using "Circle» on PS or the «Bon Xbox to stay out of range when needed while you fight him off.

Rewards (drop) from Night Riders


  • 2400 Runes
  • "Ashes of War: Multiple Thrust"
  • Night Rider Glaive

Weeping Peninsula:

  • 3400 Runes
  • Ashes of War: Barricade Shield
  • Night Rider Flail


  • 8500 Runes
  • Ashes of War: Flight of the Poison Moth
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