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How to get Blood Essence in V Rising

Blood Essence is an important resource in V Rising that is needed to build and maintain your castle, and you will need to collect a lot of it if you want to progress.

V Rising has finally entered Early Access and it gives you the opportunity to consume the land of the living and build your own vampire empire.

Of course, as in any the game for survival, you will need to collect materials from scratch if you want to conquer the surrounding lands.

One of the most important resources you will need to obtain as a vampire is Blood Essence, as it is needed to build and maintain the heart of your castle.

Not only that, Blood Essence is also tied into many of V Rising's upgrade systems, making it absolutely key if you want to maximize your power as a vampire.

Blood Essence is an extremely important resource in V Rising.

How to Collect Blood Essence in V Risin

As you might expect, Blood Essence is obtained in V Rising by killing creatures or enemies that contain blood. This means that undead opponents like Skeletons won't drop this resource, so don't waste time killing them if you're trying to farm Bloody Essence.

The process of collecting the Blood Essence is extremely simple, you only need to harvest it from living beings. Do the following:

  1. Approach a living being (Human, Bear, etc.)
  2. Attack them until they are low on HP
  3. Press F to feed and get their Blood Essence or just kill them
  4. The amount of Blood Essence you get will depend on the level of the enemy

It's worth noting that higher level enemies have a chance to drop Corrupted Hearts, which can be exchanged for a large amount of Blood Essence in your castle.

However, this won't be an option in the early game, so consider paying attention to bandit camps or bears, as they are both great options for Blood Essence at the start of your vampire journey.

How to get Greater Blood Essence in V Rising

Pure Hearts are dropped by higher level enemies.

When it comes to collecting the Supreme Blood Essence, you will need to install Blood Press in your castle. This will allow you to click Unsullied Hearts, an item dropped by high level creatures.

Four of these Unsullied Hearts can be transmuted into a single High Blood Essence, so it's important that you get as many of them as possible.

So, that's all you need to know about Blood Essence and Great Blood Essence in V Rising and in turn start building your empire.

Want to stay up to date on all things vampire related? Be sure to check out our dedicated page V rising for the latest news.

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