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Romance Club: 30 Day Queen (Season 3) Walkthrough Guide

Our walkthrough for Romance Club: Queen in 30 Days (Season 3) will guide you through the plot of the book and give you tips on how to act in this or that situation to your advantage. 

 Please note that these pages are always under development as we learn more about each story.

Most of the choices you make for your Protagonist in this book affect one of three variables: you can improve your skills  tactics (diplomacy)) ,  perseverance ✊  or  intrigue .

This choice changes the story, the outfits you can use, and the scenes you can play.

Premium options that require unlocking in-game currency are marked with a 💎gem symbol. Quick time selection is marked with a timer symbol ⏰

S3, Ep 1: The Queen at Death's Door

You are in danger and Sagar is on the verge of war. We need any ideas how to avoid this?

💎 Choice: choose an outfit

  • ➤Stylish casual wear (18)
  • ➤Hunter of evil spirits (33)
  • ➤Loose clothing (is free)

Choice: Adam asks who you suspect.
"I think that it is…"

  • ➤Louise.
  • ➤Julia.

Option A: Talk to Louise
"Lady Louise..."

  • ➤You hired a mercenary to kill me. (+1 tenacity) 
  • ➤We want to ask you a question? (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤We have found your family's treasure (+1 intrigue)

Option B: Talk to Julia

  • ➤Confess, criminal! (+1 tenacity) 
  • ➤We need to talk. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Yesterday you wore the same dress (+1 intrigue)

💎 Choice: While Adam is attaching the wire, he approaches you. (You will only get this choice if you declined Richard's offer in the previous chapter.)

  • ➤I don't mind your help. (💎)
  • ➤I can handle it myself.

Choice: Confront Louise again.
"Lady Louise..."

  • ➤The food in prison is good (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤We could solve everything peacefully  (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤You are a bad schemer (+1 intrigue)

⏰ Choice: Louise suddenly gets angry and starts screaming, pointing the gun at you.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Shout to Adam) - ❌
  • ➤(Take away the gun) — ❌
  • ➤(Warn Adam) — ✅ 
  • ➤(Fall to the floor) — ❌

S3, Ep 2: Queen in Ahara

The Emirate of Ahar is waiting for you. And your main goal is to avoid getting into deeper problems.

Choice: Talking about Aar customs when doing business.

  • ➤Infuriating! (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤Reasonable. (+1 diplomacy) 
  • ➤Can be used. (+1 intrigue)

💎 Choice: Choose a dress

  • ➤Dear abaya (23)
  • ➤Oriental beauty (26)
  • ➤Ordinary abaya (is free)

Choice: the seller pays five thousand for the dress
"What ?!"

  • ➤(Bargain) — (The seller is satisfied with your speech skills)
  • ➤(Pay) — (The merchant is upset that you do not respect the traditions of the market)

Choice A: The merchant offers the dress for free.

  • ➤(Take the dress) — What a turn! You unwittingly stole the dress. This could affect your future...
  • ➤(Insist on payment) — You respected local traditions of hospitality! This will definitely affect your future.

⏰ Selection: girl says to run after her (what to do?)

  • ➤(Run after her.) 
  • ➤(Run in the opposite direction.)

You can choose any option, the result will be the same.

Choice: While running away, the girl asks you if you are having fun.
"I AM …"

  • ➤I'm angry. ( +1 tenacity )
  • ➤Intrigued... (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤Confused. (+1 diplomacy)

💎 Choice: Ayla gave you

  • ➤Eastern model (8)
  • ➤Hot stuff (23)
  • ➤Modest swimsuit (is free)

Choice: Your first question.
You're asking:

  • ➤How do you choose girls for a harem?- (Ayla gets a point for an honest answer)
  • ➤Why did Ahar declare war on us? 

💎 Choice: Shala interrupts because she wants to take a bath. (What to do?)

  • ➤(Persuade Shahla to wait)  (26)
  • ➤(Leave).

Playing truth or dare

Play Truth or Dare with Isla to gain her trust and win a nice surprise. You get points by answering honestly or successfully completing an action. The one with the most points wins the game.

Choice: Ayla asks: Is it true that your king is dying?
"This question…"

  • ➤I'll answer.  (+1 point)
  • ➤I can't answer.
    Ayla makes a penalty action.

Penalty Action: Ayla throws a pebble into the pool and dares her to take it.
"I AM…"

  • ➤Must do this! 
  • ➤I refuse.

Choice: next question You ask:

  • ➤Have you ever wanted to leave here? (Ayla +1 point)
  • ➤Why doesn't Emir like Sagar?
    Ayla refuses to answer and chooses action. 

Isla asks: does Prince Richard's bodyguard have a girlfriend?
"I AM…"

  • ➤I will answer in the affirmative. (+1 point)
  • ➤I will answer in the negative. (+1 point)
  • ➤I won’t answer. 

Penalty Action: Ayla dares MC to stick her ass in the air and scream three times

  • I will do it!
    You get a point for
  • I will not do it.
    You lose points for refusing Dare

Choice: the next question is yours.
"My turn!"

  • ➤How do you know Adam? (Ayla +1 point)
  • ➤Something happened in the Emir's palace?
    Ayla refuses to answer and chooses action.

Choice: Isla's last question: is it true that some foreign woman is trying to take Richard away from her wife?

  • ➤Yes, nice to meet you. (+1 point)
  • ➤Action!

Penalty: Ayla will ask you to perform a poem in Arabic
“Hmm... okay...”

  • ➤Paha maha abturto hun… (-1 point for not you know
    no poems in Arabic)
  • Atakidu enah milil aflabalu…
  • Hijab Hamap Khalas Yella...


Ayla refuses to answer and chooses action:
I want you to … "

  • ➤We swam three laps around the pool! (Ayla +1 point)
  • ➤They slapped Shahla on the ass! (Ayla -1 point)
  • ➤Climb this tree! (Ayla -1 point)
  • ➤Drank water from the pool. (Ayla -1 point)

If you get more points than Ayla, you win the game and earn a patterned shawl.

If you don't get more points than Ayla, you will lose but still earn a stuffed animal.

Choice: You must try to convince Ayla to steal Shahla's dress.
"Yes, I understand. Me too …

  • ➤I want to look after my men. 
  • ➤I want to know what they are talking about
  • ➤I want to steal Shahla's dress. — ❌

💎 Choice: You encounter Emir on the way to negotiations.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Talk to Emir) (23)
  • ➤(Do not talk to Emir.)

Choice: During the meeting, your shawl falls off.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Escape) (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤(Greet everyone) (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤(Distract everyone's attention) (+1 intrigue)

S3, Ep 3: The Queen and Sandstorm

You ruined the negotiations in the palace. Is war inevitable now?

Choice: in the car you communicate with the guys.
"Guys …"

  • ➤You got the cars so quickly! (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Did the Emir swear a lot? (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤Stop being offended by me. (+1 tenacity)

Choice: Look at the map and decide which city they should go to.
"I think we should..."

  • ➤Go to Hatoum — ❌
  • ➤Go to Makan — ✅ 
  • ➤Go to Dohvur — ❌

Choice: Leonard insults Adam.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Stand up for Adam.) - (Relations with Adom have improved)
  • ➤(Be silent.)

Choice: Responding to Adam expressing his feelings for you (You can only choose this option if you accepted Richard's offer.

  • ➤Peace. Let's be friends.
  • ➤I am offended and I will be offended.

You missed your chance to become friends with Adam 

⏰ Choice: Adam moves the stone to crawl.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Grab the right wall.) ❌
  • ➤(Put your feet on the floor.) - ✅ 
  • ➤(Grab the left wall.) - ❌
  • ➤(Put your foot against Adam’s leg.) - ❌

Choice: Leonard admits he's fascinated by you

  • ➤You flatter me (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤Are you provoking me? (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤I'm very pleased (+1 diplomacy)

💎 Choice: You have a chance to seduce Leonard (This option is only available if you selected "Require evidence..." in the previous selection.) (What to do?)

  • ➤(Seduce him.) (30)
    Your relationship with Leonard has improved.
  • ➤(Remove the rubble.)

Choose choice choose outfit

  • ➤Bold and stylish (20)
  • ➤Samum Tamer (30)
  • ➤On a camping trip (is free)

💎 Bchoice: Choose a hat

  • ➤Indiana Jones (10)
  • ➤Cowboy hat (20)
  • ➤Regular cap (is free)

Choice: Decide which way to go.
"Okay, we'll navigate through..."

  • ➤Sun.
  • ➤Artificial landmarks. — ✅
  • ➤Sand waves.

Choice: As you got closer, you found a vertical log with a red piece of cloth on top.
"We have to go…"

  • ➤Where the tail of the rag points. — ✅
  • ➤Where the base of the rag points.

Choice: how to respond to a man.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Attract your attention) (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤(Be silent.) (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤(Bow.) (+1 intrigue)

Choice: You talk to one of the locals.
"Hm. Then …"

  • ➤I'll ask a couple of questions.
  • ➤I'll try to make friends with her.
  • ➤I'll give her something. — ✅

S3, Ep 4: Queen in the Oasis

Is it possible to get to an oasis in the middle of the desert? As we see - yes. Definitely yes.

⏰ Choice: A dark silhouette of a man was creeping up to your bed. (If you are engaged to Adam)
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Fight back.) 
  • ➤(Hide.)

Option A: Swim with Adam in the oasis  (if you are engaged to Adam and accepted his offer to go to the oasis with him)
"Fine …"

  • What is stopping you… (29)
  • Keep calm!

B Option B: Stargazing with Richard (If you are engaged to Richard and accept his invitation
"Fine …"

  • What is stopping you? (💎29)
  • Get control!

💎 Choice: You had to wear...

  • ➤Delicate linen (21)
  • ➤Sexy lingerie (29)
  • ➤Neat linen (is free)

Choice: You see a silhouette outside the window.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Call him.) (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤(Threaten.) (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤(Hide behind the curtain.) (+1 intrigue)

💎 Choice: In the desert with Leonard
(what to do?)

  • ➤(Kiss him.) (29)
  • ➤(Turn away)

Choice: Soldiers invade the property and interrogate Khalil.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Hit and run.) (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤(Try to come to an agreement.) (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤(Deceive.) (+1 intrigue)

Choice: Convince the guard to let you through.

  • ➤(Depict a silent scene.)
  • ➤(Bribe him.)
  • ➤(Surrender.)
  • ➤(Pretend to be a demon.) (56)

⏰ Choice: A guard notices you (you have no choice if you chose "Pretend to be a demon")
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Pour water on it.)
  • ➤(Show that you want to get Khalil drunk.) - ✅
  • ➤(Give him the jug and leave.)

Choice: You find Khalil's room.
“Right now I’m not a woman. I …"

  • ➤Diplomat. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Soldier. (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤Intrigue (+1 intrigue)

⏰ Choice: A soldier tries to enter the room, and Khalil orders you to hide.
(Where to hide?)

  • ➤(Behind the sofa.) — ✅
  • ➤(Behind the curtain.)
  • ➤(Behind Khalil.)

S3, Ep 5: The Queen Strikes Back

Today they call you queen, and tomorrow they will throw you in prison. What will they do next?

Path (The path of diplomacy🤝) Choice: You are trying to steal the guard's keys.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Steal the keys.) 
  • ➤(Strangle him.) 
  • ➤(Thank you for your help.) — ✅

Choice: You escape from prison cells.
( Where to go?)

  • ➤(To the right.)
  • ➤(Left) — ✅

Choice: You run away. There is another fork in the corridor.
( Where to go?)

  • ➤(To the right.) — ✅
  • ➤(Left)

Choice: You find a wildflower and talk to the merchant you met on the first day.
"I AM…"

  • ➤Need your help.. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Information needed. (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤I wanted to see you again. (+1 intrigue)

Fill in the blank selection. Answer to riddle 1.

  • ➤Moon

Fill in the blank selection. Answer riddle 2.

  • ➤Time

Fill in the blank selection. Answer to riddle 3.

  • ➤Love

If you solved all the riddles, the seller will give you a stack of letters.

💎 Choice: Steal the letters? (Only if you couldn't solve the riddles.)
"Oh no! I do not have it! I must …"

  • Steal all the letters. (💎18)
  • Steal at least one letter.

Choice: You decide what to do after receiving the letters and returning to the palace.
“What can I do now...?”

  • ➤Rescue your friends from prison. (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤Stop the war. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Save yourself. (+1 intrigue)

Choice: You find Leonard in the room, talkingthat he escaped from prison but was unable to help Richard or Adam.

“Working on it...?

  • ➤What a hard worker you are. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤I see you have a lot of work projects... (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤Are you also working on Sagar’s betrayal? (+1 tenacity)

💎 Choice: Leonard tried to explain himself.

  • ➤Details. (12)
  • ➤Briefly.

Option A (Playing as Leonard): Leonard talks to his mother about his plan for Richard.

  • ➤Trust me. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Just do as I say! (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤We must be allies in this game. (+1 tenacity)

Choice: He invites you to be his ally. (He proposes to her if she is not already engaged to Richard or Adam)
"So you're offering me..."

  • ➤Betray your friends?! (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤Betray the country?! (+1 intrigue)
  • ➤Betray yourself?! (+1 tenacity)

💎 choice: What to wear

  • ➤Treasure in the Sands (18)
  • ➤Gold of the East (32)
  • ➤Adorned with modesty (is free)

💎 Choice: You are in the room with Emir
"I'm back …"

  • ➤Bring love... (32) 
  • ➤Agree.

S3, Ep 6: The Queen and the consequences of her decisions

The military issue has been resolved, and it is time to return to Sagar, to your mercenaries, enemies and friends.

Choice: The Emir suggests that you go to your room, and the men continue to negotiate.
"I AM…"

  • ➤I want to stay. (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤I think these negotiations are very important. (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤I want to be part of this great moment. (+1 intrigue)

💎 Choice: Choose a dress

  • ➤Blouse with a pattern (23)
  • ➤Transparent hint (27)
  • ➤Casual Boho (is free)

💎 Choice: You are in the park with Richard (if you are engaged to Richard)
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Kiss him) (27)
  • ➤(Hug him)

💎 Choice: Adam invites you to spend time together (if you are engaged to Adam)
(what to do?)

  • ➤(Trust him.) (27)
  • ➤(Stay in the room.)

Choice: Julia comes to your room.
"I AM…"

  • ➤Cons. (+1 tenacity)
  • ➤I don't mind (+1 diplomacy)
  • ➤I'll listen to what you have to say. (+1 intrigue)

⏰ Choice: Daniel returns and threatens you with a bomb.
"Listen …"

  • ➤You will become a killer!
  • ➤You don't need to do this... — ✅
  • ➤Your feelings are not worth these lives! 

⏰ Choice: The tranquilizer hits Daniel and he begins to fall.
(What to do?)

  • ➤(Catch him.) — ✅
  • ➤(Run away.)
  • ➤(Fall to the floor.)
  • ➤(Scream and panic.)

S3, Ep 7: The Queen. Now it's official

The adventure is over and it's time to go home...or not

💎 Choice: Choose a wedding dress

  • ➤First Lady (34)
  • ➤Delicate lace (34)
  • ➤Fogy Albion (96)
  • ➤Self-sufficiency (is free)

Cho « Choice: choose" wedding hairstyle

  • ➤Bold curls (20)
  • ➤Royal tiara (34)
  • ➤Neat veil (is free)

💎 Choice: Select Wedding Toppers

  • ➤Arrows only (11)
  • ➤Expressive eyes (20)
  • ➤Almost nude (is free)

Congratulations, you have completed the Romance Club Book Plot “Queen in 30 Days”. Another Story Ahead of You “Wave Patrol“, and you can find it on our pages. You can find previous chapters of Queen in 30 Days by following these links:

Also in the side menu of our site you will find information about all the Stories of the Romance Club. Our guides will help you make the right decisions that can affect the entire plot of the Book.