Elden Ring
Elden Ring is a third-person action-adventure soulsborne action RPG set in a dark fantasy world from the creators of the Dark Souls series with the participation of the author of Game of Thrones. The focus is on a dying world, where only warriors who have lost their blessing are trying to bring it back to life. Players expect a wide selection of weapons and magic; improved combat system, giving more control over the character; new role-playing elements compared to previous From Software games.
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Best Elden Ring Samurai Build: Weapons, Armor, Stats

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The best melee defensive build in Elden Ring is based on the Samurai. Below we will break down the best Samurai build so you can make your character perfect for a defensive play style.

The build in Elden Ring focuses on various combinations of Stats, Weapons, Armor, and many other elements that can help the player reach their goal through combat and exploration.

Each assembly Elden Ring, which will be listed on our pages, is unique and has its own approach to the user's playstyle, which can be used in both PvE and PvP situations. Below is the best build we recommend players to try and use on the Samurai.

Elden Ring Samurai Build: Defense and Counterattack

A mix of ranged, melee, and mounted combat that makes you feel like a real samurai while playing Elden Ring, and is terribly effective.

If you want to soak up damage and stay steadfast in the face of a tough enemy, you should use a melee defensive build. This assembly uses Uchigatana katana for quick attacks high tower shieldto strengthen your defense while the main attributes are Force и Endurance. If you decide to use this assembly, we suggest choosing a class samuraito instantly get the perfect weapon.

  • ClassSamurai
  • Flask distribution: mostly HP and 1 or 2 FP
  • Weapon: Uchigatana or Nagakiba
  • Shield: Tower Shield
  • Armor: Dual Armor Set (Twinned Armor Set)
  • Basic statistics: Agility and Strength
  • secondary statistics: Stamina and Intelligence
  • Skills: Ashes of War: Exposure and Ashes of War: Power Shot
  • Spells: No

Strength allows you to use certain shields that will improve your damage negation and allow your character to use stronger melee weapons, while stamina boosts your stamina and equips load so you can block more hits and use better armor like Twinned Armor Set. We also suggest investing some points in Vitality so you can boost your max health in case you take damage.

When it comes to gear, a tower shield is essential for you, as you can use it to block whenever an enemy tries to attack, ensuring you don't suddenly die in a flurry of blows. You can get a great shield quite early in Stormvale Castle. When you reach the hall with Augmented Offspring, head to the door on the west side of this room to find a small outer area with an Imp. Use the blade key on the statue to access another room where you can find wooden shield Hawk Crest among other items.

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You should complement this with a katana allowing you to make quick cuts when the enemy opens up between attacks. Samurai starts with a katana, but you can also loot a unique katana Nagakiba in the Second Church of Marika on the Atlus Plateau.

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