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Fortnite Update 8.51 Everything You Need to Know.


Fortnite 8.51 updates are here, and we've got everything you need to know about the changes to the game.

On Wednesday, May 1st, Epic Games officially announced the release date and time for Update 8.51 for Fortnite Battle Royale. As with past content updates for Fortnite, the patch notes for Fortnite 8.51 update will add new content and various gameplay changes to the title. If you're wondering what exactly the Fortnite 8.51 update notes will contain and when they go into effect, be sure to check out this information.

Update for Fortnite 8.51



shadow bomb Become elusive like a shadow! The new item will allow you to become invisible to enemies, move even faster and perform double jumps.


  • shadow bomb
    • Dissolve into the shadows and become invisible to enemies.
      • Duration: 6 sec.
      • When the effect ends, the player will become more visible to others.
      • Increases movement speed, allows you to double jump and jump off walls.
        • While under the effect of a shadow bomb, the player cannot attack, build, or pick up loot.
    • Rarity: Uncommon
    • Max stock: 6 pieces
    • Found in buildings, chests, drops, and supply llamas.


Fixed bugs and improvements
  • Sound effects for jetpacks sometimes played louder than they should.


Fixed bugs and improvements
  • The animation for the Victory Royale UI was played for all players in temporary game modes with a respawn option.



Duet Great pair for the brain!


  • Duet
    • A powerful assault rifle that allows you to conduct heavy fire for a long time due to the huge store.
    • Available in the Weekly Store from May 03 00:2 UTC until May 03 00:9 UTC.



Ready eatery items! A table for two or a whole kitchen? All this and more in the new Diners Preset Pack!


  • shadow bomb
    • Dissolve into the shadows and become invisible to enemies.
    • Duration: 6 sec.
    • When the effect ends, the player will become more visible to others.
    • Increases movement speed, allows you to double jump and jump off walls.
      • While under the effect of a shadow bomb, the player cannot attack, build, or pick up loot.


  • New Fortnite Battle Royale Restaurant and Diner Packs and Premades:
    • ready-made elements of "DarrBurger";
    • ready-made elements of Uncle Pete's pizzeria;
    • ready-made elements of an ice cream parlor;
    • 4 sets of eateries.



Fixed bugs and improvements
  • It was not possible to add recommended friends as friends.
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