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Samira (League of Legends) - Abilities, Release Date and more ...


The 151st League of Legends champion rumored gunslinger from Noxie named Samira could be set for a release date as early as next month; new insider leaks revealed both her potential release and her abilities.


Last week, the announcement of a new champion on the horizon began to take the League of Legends community by storm. First, a new Easter egg was revealed in patch 10.16, and a mention of a mysterious character named "Samira" was found in the latest PBE update.

These leaks and rumors, combined with Riot's June update, seem to point to one thing; The 151st League champion will join the roster a little sooner than anyone expected.

We now have a good idea of ​​what a possible ADC might look like, thanks to new information leaks from inside from the same Brazilian source, Strimi, who reported about the possible arrival Yone almost a month before his official debut.

Samira is supposed to be similar to Miss Fortune's "Cowgirl" skin. She will have holsters on her legs and is described as "mostly female Rambo, but hot".

Samira's abilities

UPDATED!: Samira's abilities became available to us and you can see from HERE!

Reckless Impulse (Passive Skill)

Reckless Impulse (Passive Skill)

Successive use of non-repeatable skills (and auto-attacks) increases Samira's style rating by one letter, from "E" to "S". For each new rating, she gets an increase in movement speed. Samira fights with a sword in close combat and pistols at a distance; the sword deals additional magic damage.

Samira can also throw up enemies who are restricted in their movement by her allies. At the same time, the duration of control is increased.

Outrageous [Q]

Outrageous [Q]

Samira slashes nearby enemies with her sword and switches to pistols if the target is within range.

Blade Sweep [W]

Blade Sweep [W]

Samira spins with her sword, dealing damage to nearby enemies twice and destroying all enemy projectiles around her during the cast and for the duration of the skill.

Furious Charge [E]Furious Charge [E]

Samira dashes towards her target, dealing magic damage to all enemies in her path and gaining attack speed for the duration. Killing or assisting enemy champions resets Fury Rush's cooldown.
Hellfire [R]

Hellfire [R]

Samira unleashes a barrage of bullets at all nearby enemies up to 10 times over the duration of the skill. Each shot deals physical damage and can be critical. In addition, lifesteal applies to shots.

Samira can only cast Inferno if her current style score is "S" (max).

Samira release date

League fans will certainly be intrigued when they get their hands on the rumored new Season 10 champion. The good news is that we will get it with update 10.19 2 September.



All this, however, we will soon find out. Prior to Samira's arrival, League of Legends will add Yasuo Yone's resurrected brother. That's all what do we know about the new ionian warlord , which is already available in the game.

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