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Subnautica Below Zero - How to get the Habitat Builder


Builder (Habitat Builder) - a tool for building bases, equipment and interior furnishings.

Created at the manufacturer. Used to create stationary items needed for naval bases and the Hoverbike.

Objects are created on the fly, you only need to have the necessary resources with you in your inventory. To start building, select a builder, open its menu by pressing RMB. In the window that appears, there are five tabs of object categories at the top, between which you can switch. By hovering the mouse over an object's icon, you can see its description and the resources required to create it.



After selecting the desired object from the list, you will see a hologram that appears, allowing you to choose a convenient place for installation. If it is red, construction in this place is impossible. If green - you can start building. Some buildings can be rotated with the mouse wheel, or using the keys [ и ]. Once selected, just press LMB and hold until creation is complete.

Constructed objects can be dismantled by the same builder. At the same time, ALL the resources spent on the creation will be returned to you. To do this, come close to the object and hold down the key Q, hold it down until the process is complete.

The builder needs a charged battery to work. Energy costs vary, depending on the duration of the creation / destruction of the object. A dead battery can be replaced by pressing the R and selecting a new one with the buttons A и Dconfirm - LMBcancellation - ERMB or I.


   To get the Builder in the correct and standard way without the use of cheats, you need to play at least a few hours. 

   After you go looking for Al-An and he enters your body, you will need to send a sample of your DNA in a rocket to a satellite using the BioScanner. As soon as you do this, you will immediately receive a message from the satellite that everything went well. You will need to wait a bit, listen to a few more dialogues and receive a message about the imminent arrival of the package from the satellite. Inside the delivery is the Habitat Builder you've been looking for! If you're having trouble finding where the package dropped, don't despair, it fell into the shallow water near your base.


   You may want to create a separate save file before using them! Some of the cheats will disable the ability to get achievements. If you just want to get the Builder and not wait for it, you can always just use some console commands. First, you need to enable them. Press F3 to open the window and then press Tab to bring up the mouse cursor. Uncheck "Disable console" and that should allow the ability to type commands. You can press ~ or the Enter key to use them. Type "item constructor" into the console and it will give you an item. This will also unlock some blueprints for you which allow you to craft some of the base parts. If you want to give yourself the ability to create anything, use the "unlockall" command and that will give you access to everything currently available. If you don't want to farm materials, you can use the "nocost" command and craft whatever you want! There are many more commands, you can check them on our page Subnautica: Below Zero Cheats!

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