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Subnautica Below Zero Cheat Codes - All Cheats Including Immortality, Oxygen, Items, Biomes, Blueprints, etc.

This post on Subnautica: Below Zero Cheats List and Command Guide contains a bunch of cheats and commands that you can use to play or get more out of Below Zero! We'll teach you how to activate and use the console, and list commands that will remove survival features, spawn items and vehicles, or teleport you around the map.

Using cheats will disable the ability to get achievements, so if this is important to you, we advise you not to use them. You can always just create a separate cheat file if you just want to play around and not mess with your main save.


First you need to activate the console. Press F3 on your keyboard and you will open the following screen.


  You will need to uncheck "Disable Console", so to do this with the mouse cursor, you need to press "Tab". This will open your PDA, but will also give you the option to use your mouse to click on this box next to Disable Console. Press F3 again to close the window.

  Now that you have the ability to enter commands, you need to open the text box to receive the command. You can do this by pressing the ~ key or by simply pressing Enter to open the text input field in the lower left corner of the screen.

Subnautica Below Zero Cheat Codes - All Cheats Including Immortality, Oxygen, Items, Biomes, Blueprints, etc.


Here is a list of cheats and commands that will either appear in items or remove survival items. Anything that has a [] around it doesn't require parentheses and requires whatever is in the list. For example, for spawn items in the "spawn [ITEM NAME] [AMOUNT]" list, you would enter "spawn titanium 5" if you want five titans.

Disabling Survival or Resource Requirements

If you are tired of stuffing your stomach with food and water, you can use some commands to disable these options.

  • oxygen - gives you an unlimited supply of oxygen.
  • cold - Turns cold survival on or off.
  • nosurvival - makes it so that you no longer have to eat or drink.
  • nocost - You no longer need resources to create items using the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, or anything else that requires resources.
  • noenergy - Tired of batteries? Use this command to make sure none of your items consume energy.

Changing the game mode

  You can change the game mode of your current file using one of the following commands: freedom, creative, survival, or hardcore.

Unlock Blueprints

There are several ways to do this, you can just unlock them all or you can do them one by one.

unlockall - unlocks all blueprints in the game.
unlock [BLUEPRINT NAME] - unlocks a specific project.

Looting special items

To get shared resources or tools, you can run the following general mining commands:

  • spawnloot - gives: 4 metals, 1 quartz, 1 copper ore, 1 magnesium, 1 salt reserve, 1 gold
  • madloot - Gives: Knife, Habitat Builder, 3x Battery, 4x Computer Chip, 5x Creepvine Sample, 10x Titanium and 10x Glass.

To spawn certain items, you just need to use the "spawn" command:


If you want resources to create a specific element, you can use the command

  • resourcesfor [ITEM NAME]

Acceleration of assembly, growth, etc.
If you want to speed up construction, hatching of eggs and plants, you can use the following commands

  • filterfast - Reduces water filtration time.
  • fastscan - speeds up the scanner.
  • fastgrow - accelerates the growth of plants.
  • fasthatch - Speeds up hatching of eggs.
  • fastbuild - Speeds up construction.


You need to enter cheats in small letters:

  • nodamage - the hero stops receiving damage from creatures and the environment, that is, he becomes almost immortal
  • nocost - no need to pay for the use of a workbench, designer and manufacturer
  • oxygen - infinite oxygen
  • day - the day comes immediately
  • night - night comes immediately
  •  spawn hoverbike - hoverbike spawn
  • daynightspeed [n] - Changes the speed at which night and day change. The default is set to one.
  • speed [n] - changes the speed of the game process. The default is set to one.
  • warp [x] [y] [z] - teleports the hero to the specified coordinates. To determine the coordinates, press the F1 key.
  • warpme - teleporting the hero to a submarine or base.
  • takedamage [n] - causing damage to the hero in n-amount
  • noshadows - deactivate shadows (improves performance). To activate, you just need to restart the level.
  • nobloom - deactivate bloom (increases performance). To activate, you just need to restart the level.
  • debugsound - reload sound.
  • farplane [n] - changes the view by n units
  • entreset - reloads all game resources except terrain
  • gamereset - Resets the received progress to the time when the last save was made
  • sizeref - create a diver
  • spawn - respawns the hero a little far from the previous location (greatly helps in case of getting stuck in textures)
  • bubbles - creates air bubbles near the hero
  • unlockall - unlock absolutely all blueprints in the game
  • freecam – free camera mode selection (can be changed from 1 to 5)
  • radiation - no radiation
  • entgallery - unlock the entire gallery
  • nitrogen - the effect of decompression sickness appears
  • fasthatch - speeds up the appearance of creatures from eggs
  • fog off/on - fog activation and deactivation (affects performance)
  • fastbuild - speeds up the construction of structures
  • fastscan - speeds up scanning
  • fastgrow - accelerates the growth of plants
  • fasthatch - speeds up the hatching of creatures
  • filterfast - speeds up water filtration
  • invisible - makes the hero invisible
  • noenergy - infinite energy
  • ency [name] – allows you to open the specified record in the database. You need to accurately enter the names of the records without spaces.
  • clearinventory - clears inventory

Cheats to change the game mode

  • freedom - Free
  • survival - Survival
  • hardcore - Hardcore (if the hero dies, you will have to start the game from the very beginning)
  • creative - Creative (no need to worry about oxygen, energy, and so on)

Basic cheats

  • ITEM [name] [n] - adds n-number of specified items to inventory
  • SPAWN [name] [n] - creates a creature or object in front of the hero in n-number
  • BIOME [name] - teleports the hero to the specified biome. Use only when in the open world, that is, you cannot teleport from buildings and structures.
  • BLUEPRINT [name] - add the selected blueprint to the hero's PDA
  • FORGET [name] - deletes the selected drawing from the PDA
  • GOTO [name] - teleport the hero to the selected location
  • GOTO BASE [n] – teleports the hero to an abandoned base located on the Floating Island (you can choose a number)
  • GOTO WRECK [n] - teleport the hero to the selected fragment

Attention: If there are two words in the name of the object, they must be written in continuous form. For example, ITEM COOKEDPEEPER 10.

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