Teamfight Tactics
A strategy game where you take on seven opponents and assemble a strong team of League of Legends champions to fight for you. The main goal is to be the last survivor.
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Teamfight Tactics: Patch 10.12 Description


The biggest patch of TFT Galaxies is finally here. The mid-set update in patch 10.12 adds 14 new champions and three new traits to the roster, and introduces a significant meta shift.

After weeks of waiting, the League of Legends-inspired autobattler is about to completely revamp its third set with many new champions and removing old friends.

Additionally,  rank reset is coming , as well as new Battle Pass players can receive exclusive rewards.

14 new champions will be added in the Mid-Set update

The Mid-Set update brings many changes to TFT. There will be a rank change, major balance changes, more galaxies added, a new Battle Pass and more. However, the biggest update of them all is the addition of 14 new champions and three new traits.

Bard, Gnar, Nautilus, and Teemo will make up the new trait Astronaut, which will reduce the mana cost of units when activated. Cassiopeia, Illaoi, Kog'Moe, Nocturne, Urgot, and Victor are all in the new Modified trait, which gives units access to additional damage or healing based on their current HP.

Janna returns to the TFT roster as a Star Guardian/Paragon with five prices.

Jannah will be single-handed as the only Paragon of the TFT universe, converting her allies' basic attacks into magic damage to break through the Vanguards. Riven, Vayne and Zed are also being added, although they will be part of the pre-existing traits.

Valkyrie, Void traits removed

With the addition of these 14 champions, nine old units will leave the battlefield as of patch 10.12. All Valkyrie and Nether units will be removed along with their traits, and other champions will be selected as well.

Kerry Cale has been hurt so badly that you can no longer use Cale.

Kha'Zix, Cho'Gath, Vel'Koz, Kai'Sa, Kayle, Miss Fortune, Sona, Kassadin, and Lux ​​are all being removed as part of the Mid-Set update. This is because they are either too meta-defining ⁠—in the case of Cale or Sona ⁠—or will conflict with new content.

"Sona's CC cleanup left little room for counterplay, so it was removed to make room for new rebels and mystics," the developers said. back in May when the update was announced. "Soraka will have to stand on her own as a healer of the galaxy."

You can find the full TFT Patch 10.12 notes below, courtesy of Riot Games .

Description of TFT Update 10.12



  • ♦Pass and Pass+ Galaxies II is now in the game! (Well, not in the game yet, but will be there with the release of the update within 24 hours.)
  • ♦Regular Pass includes new emotes, arenas and booms!
  • ♦To get all the Pass+ rewards, you don't need to buy it right now. If you decide to upgrade, all experience accumulated will be automatically credited and you will receive the missed rewards.



  • ♦(3) Astronaut mana cost reduced by 30.


  • ♦(2/4/6/8) When modified champions deal or take damage 10 times, they heal for 70/160/325/600 if they are below half health or deal 70/160/325/600 magic damage nearest enemy if they have more than half health left.


  • ♦(1) Allied Star Guardian auto attacks deal pure damage. All other allies' auto attacks deal magic damage.



  • ♦Astronaut/Vanguard
  • ♦2nd rank
  • ♦Impact Crater: Nautilus blasts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for 3/3,5/4 seconds and dealing 100/200/400 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target also have this effect, but its power is halved.


  • ♦Astronaut/mystic
  • ♦3nd rank
  • ♦Passive: Bard gains an additional 8/20/90 mana per attack, but only if he attacks a champion.
  • ♦Walker's Call: Bard creates a meep on his owner's bench that can be sold for 1. experience.


  • ♦Astronaut/Debaucher
  • ♦4nd rank
  • ♦GNA-A-A-R!: Gnar jumps to his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, then knocks back nearby enemies, dealing 100/200/800 magic damage and stunning them for 2 seconds.
  • ♦Mega Gnar's health increased by 750/1250/2500 and his attack power increased by 100/175/400. In addition, in Mega Form, Gnar becomes a melee champion.


  • ♦Astronaut/sniper
  • ♦4nd rank
  • ♦Trap Satellites: Teemo places 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy approaches the trap (or after 3 seconds), it explodes, dealing 125/175/600 magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them down and slowing them for 4 seconds.


  • ♦Modified/Debauched
  • ♦1nd rank
  • ♦Tentacle Strike: Illaoi strikes a tentacle in a straight line in front of him, dealing 125/200/325 damage and stealing 20/30/50% of armor and magic resistance from each enemy hit for 4 seconds.


  • ♦Modified/Saboteur
  • ♦1nd rank
  • ♦Unspeakable Horror: Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear for 2/2,5/4 seconds and dealing 200/250/350 magic damage over that time.


  • ♦Modified/space gunner
  • ♦2nd rank
  • ♦ Barrage: Kog'Maw is empowered for 3 seconds. Its attack range becomes infinite, its attack speed is increased by 80%, and its auto-attacks deal magic damage equal to 2/4/7% of the target's maximum health.


  • ♦Modified/mystic
  • ♦3nd rank
  • ♦Poisonous Blast: Cassiopeia unleashes her fangs at the nearest unpoisoned enemy, dealing 700/1500/3000 damage over 12 seconds and reducing their shields by 50%.


  • ♦Modified/Wizard
  • ♦4nd rank
  • ♦Death Ray: Victor burns a path between two enemies that are farthest apart, dealing magic damage equal to 15/20/80% of his maximum health. After 1 second, the path explodes and deals an additional 250/400/1500 magic damage.


  • ♦Modified/protector
  • ♦5nd rank
  • ♦Stronger than Fear of Death: Urgot fires a drill at the farthest enemy within its attack range, pulling it towards him and dealing 2000 true damage over and over again until he dies. After the first successful cast, Urgot's mana cost is reduced by 10/20/100.


  • ♦Star Guardian / Paragon
  • ♦5nd rank
  • ♦Howling Whirlwind: Jeanne summons five whirlwinds that shoot forward in a wide cone. Whirlwinds increase the attack speed of all affected allies by 100/150/500% for 5 seconds, and knock up and stun the affected enemies for 1,5 seconds.


  • ♦Chronowar / Blademaster
  • ♦4nd rank
  • ♦Power Strike: Riven dashes and gains a 250/400/1000 shield, then lunges for 100/150/450 magic damage. Every third cast, Riven jumps up and unleashes a wave of energy that deals 300/500/1500 magic damage.


  • ♦Cyber ​​Warrior/Sniper
  • ♦3nd rank
  • ♦Final Battle: Vayne focuses for 10 seconds, instantly rolling away from the target and another roll every third attack. Vayne is invisible while rolling, and her next attack deals damage equal to 175/200/225% of her attack power.


  • ♦Rebel/Saboteur
  • ♦2nd rank
  • ♦Contempt for Weakness (Passive): Every third attack, Zed steals 20/25/40% of the target's attack power and deals an additional 50/90/150 magic damage.



  • ♦Dwellers of the Abyss
  • ♦Valkyries


  • ♦Ka'Zix
  • ♦Cho'gath
  • ♦Vel'Koz
  • ♦Kai'Sa
  • ♦Cale
  • ♦Miss Fortune
  • ♦Sona
  • ♦Lux
  • ♦Kassadine


  • ♦Purple Nebula


  • ♦With the release of this update, the 2nd rank stage of Galaxies begins.
  • ♦Your rating will be reset by 1 rank. For example, if you currently have Gold II, then after the reset it will be Silver II.
  • ♦ If you played well and managed to reach the rank of master or higher, after the reset you will have Diamond IV.
  • ♦After the reset, you will need to play 5 qualifying matches during which you will not lose LP even if you place 5-8.
  • ♦If you reach Gold or higher in Stage 1, you will receive an emote corresponding to your rank. If you can take the Gold in both stages, you will have a victorious little legend.
  • ♦Victory Starter Pack Little Legends and Rise of the Elements will be in your inventory soon... assuming you've reached Gold in the respective seasons, of course.


There will be no new galaxies in this update. Starting with update 10.13, we plan to add and remove one galaxy every update.

Probability of hitting galaxies

  • ♦Very small legends - 10%
  • ♦Niko World - 10%
  • ♦Medium legends - 10%
  • ♦Superdense galaxy - 10%
  • ♦Trade sector - 10%
  • ♦Treasury - 10%
  • ♦Star cluster - 10%
  • ♦Galactic Armory - 10%
  • ♦Regular game - 20%


  • ♦Number of Rank 3 champions in total: 16 ⇒ 18
  • ♦1-Star Champions and Rank 1 Champions are now sold at full price. When selling other fighters, you get one less gold. Example: 3-Star Tier 2 Champion Market Price: 5 ⇒ 8; Rank 1 3-Star Champion Sell Price: 5 ⇒ 9
  • ♦Level 4 Champion Drop Chance (by Rank): 60/30/10/0/0% ⇒ 55/30/15/0/0%
  • ♦Level 9 Champion Drop Chance (by Rank): 10/15/25/35/15% ⇒ 10/15/30/30/15%
  • ♦Kain no longer leaves Spatula when you die if you don't have champions on the field with the corresponding perk.
  • ♦Nico's help now always works, even if there are no copies of the desired champion left in the general set. A created champion is considered an additional champion, and when the owner retires or sells this champion, it does not return to the general set.


Balance and edits

  • ♦Blademaster: 30/55/100% ⇒ 30/70/100% chance to hit twice more
  • ♦Debauchery: 350/650 ⇒ 350/600 health bonus
  • ♦The 6-piece Celestial Bonus can now only be obtained with a Celestial Orb
  • ♦ Celestials' 4-piece bonus is now golden, and 6-piece bonus is multi-colored
  • ♦ Celestial Damage Heal: 15/35/60% ⇒ 15/40/99%
  • ♦Added 8-piece Chrono Warrior bonus: 0,75 seconds
  • ♦Cyberwarriors: 350 and 35 / 700 and 70 ⇒ 350 and 40 / 600 and 80 health and attack damage
  • ♦Dark Star Division: 3/6/9 ⇒ 2/4/6/8
  • ♦Darkstar Attack Damage & Ability Power Up: 20/25/30 ⇒ 8/16/24/32
  • ♦ Darkstar Champions now gain a buff when any ally dies, not just another Darkstar Champion.
  • ♦Saboteurs: 50/75/120% ⇒ 40/70/120%
  • ♦Mystic Magic Resistance: 35/105 ⇒ 50/125
  • ♦Defender Shield (Percentage of Max Health): 25/30/40% ⇒ 30/40/55%
  • ♦Snipers (2): 15% ⇒ 10% extra damage per slot
  • ♦Added 4-piece sniper bonus: 18% extra damage per cell
  • ♦Removed 8-piece magician bonus
  • ♦Bonus Sorcerer Ability Power: 20/40/75% ⇒ 20/45/75%
  • ♦Star Guardian Spread Mana: 30/50 ⇒ 25/40
  • ♦Star Guardians now distribute the correct amount of mana on their next skill casts after the first. Because of this, the feature will become stronger.
  • ♦Added 9-piece Star Guardian bonus: 55 mana
  • ♦Vanguard Armor: 125/250 ⇒ 125/300
  • ♦Added 6-piece Vanguard Bonus: 1000 Armor

Mech Pilot Changes

  • ♦Pilot health after SuperMech is destroyed: 100% ⇒ 35%
  • ♦Mech Health: 1500 + 45% Pilot Health ⇒ 2200 + 50% Pilot Health
  • ♦Mech Attack Damage: 90 + 45% Pilots Attack Damage ⇒ 160 + 50% Pilots Attack Damage
  • ♦Mech Attack Speed: 0,75 ⇒ 0,85
  • ♦Mech Cleave Damage: 100% attack damage ⇒ 80% attack damage
  • ♦Mech Total Mana: 225 ⇒ 200
  • ♦Mech Armor: 30 ⇒ 70
  • ♦Mech Magic Resistance: 20 ⇒ 70
  • ♦Урон от Механического правосудия: 400/500/600/700/800/1200/5000 ⇒ 700/750/800/850/900/1200/5000
  • ♦Mechanical Justice bonus damage: 200/250/300/350/400/600/5000 ⇒ 350/375/400/425/450/600/5000


Rank 2 Champions

  • ♦Annie's Health: 700 ⇒ 750
  • ♦Annie's Mana: 75/150 ⇒ 70/140
  • ♦Annie's Galactic Energy Shield damage: 150/200/300 ⇒ 300/400/600
  • ♦Annie's Galactic Energy Shield 270/360/540 ⇒ 400/500/700

Rank 3 Champions

  • ♦Ash Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/100
  • ♦Ash's Enchanted Frostbolt Damage: 250/350/700 ⇒ 200/275/550
  • ♦Ash's projectile speed increased by 50%
  • ♦Ezreal's Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/80
  • ♦Ezreal Attack Speed: 0,7 ⇒ 0,75
  • ♦ Ezreal EMP Damage: 200/300/600 ⇒ 100/150/400
  • ♦Jace Health: 750 ⇒ 850
  • ♦Nico's Shock Blossom Damage: 200/275/550 ⇒ 150/250/500
  • ♦Rumble Health: 800 ⇒ 900
  • ♦Rumble Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50
  • ♦Rumble Flamethrower Damage: 350/500/1000 ⇒ 500/750/1500
  • ♦Shaco Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 75
  • ♦Shaco's Deception bonus damage: 200/225/250% attack damage ⇒ 250/275/300% attack damage
  • ♦Sindra Mana: 0/65 ⇒ 0/60
  • ♦ Syndra's Unleashed Power Damage: 100/150/250 ⇒ 100/125/200
  • ♦Syndra will now switch to secondary targets if her primary target dies before the skill ends.

Rank 4 Champions

  • ♦Fizz Health: 600 ⇒ 700
  • ♦Fizz Attack Speed: 0,8 ⇒ 0,85
  • ♦Fizz Mana: 80/150 ⇒ 60/120
  • ♦Fizz's Bait Catching Damage: 350/500/2000 ⇒ 450/600/5000
  • ♦Jin Attack Damage: 90 ⇒ 80
  • ♦Jin's base attack speed: 0,9 ⇒ 0,85 / 0,9 / 1,1 based on star count
  • ♦Jinx Missile Damage: 125/200/750 ⇒ 125/200/1000
  • ♦Jinx no longer fires missiles during extra shots of the space gunners feature.

Aurelion Sol

  • ♦Starting/Total Mana: 40/120 ⇒ 120/120
  • ♦Attack Speed: 0,8 ⇒ 0,2
  • ♦Damage per drone: 100/150/750 ⇒ 80/150/750
  • ♦NEW: Drones drain 10/25/50 mana from their targets.
  • ♦NEW: Aurelion Sol will drop 4 drones on first cast. In the subsequent - 2 more.
  • ♦Note: Compared to the 10.12 update, it will deal more damage in the first 10 seconds of combat, but then the damage will start to decrease.


  • ♦Starting/Total Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 80/150
  • ♦ Time Control Damage: 225/400/2000 ⇒ 100/200/2000
  • ♦Timing Time Control: hit each enemy once ⇒ 5/7/20 hits
  • ♦NEW: Reduces the attack speed of all enemies hit by 50% for 7 seconds.


  • ♦Decreased the damage radius of the purchased upgrade "Increased Area of ​​Effect"
  • ♦Starting/Total Mana: 100/175 ⇒ 70/160


We are increasing the defensive stats of the toughest champions so that they perform better in the forefront compared to other fighters.

  • ♦Graves: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Illaoi: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Jarvan IV: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Leona: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Malphite: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Poppy: +5 armor and +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Annie: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Blitzcrank: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Mordekaiser: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Nautilus: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Rakan: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Shen: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Xin Zhao: +10 armor and +15 magic resistance
  • ♦Jace: +10 magic resistance
  • ♦Nico: +10 armor and +20 magic resistance
  • ♦Rumble: +10 armor and +20 magic resistance
  • ♦Vai: +10 armor and +20 magic resistance
  • ♦Gnar: +15 armor and +20 magic resistance
  • Wukong: +15 Armor and +20 Magic Resistance
  • ♦Aurelion Sol: +20 armor and +20 magic resistance
  • ♦Thrash: +20 armor and +20 magic resistance


  • ♦Blood Drinker Life Steal: 35% ⇒ 40%
  • ♦Cup of Grace has been renamed and redesigned. The new name is the Chalice of Power.
  • ♦Cup of Power (Goddess' Tear + Absorbing Cloak): At the start of combat, the wearer and their flanks gain 30 ability power for 20 seconds.
  • ♦ Blade of death. Attack Damage per Charge: 30 ⇒ 25
  • ♦The Demoman Charge has been replaced with Modified Armor.
  • ♦Modified Armor: The champion becomes modified.
  • ♦Giant Slayer. New Effect: The wearer deals an additional 20% true damage. If the enemy's maximum health is over 1750, the bonus is increased to 80%.
  • ♦Hextech bayonet. Damage Healed: 25% ⇒ 35%
  • ♦Infinity Edge: +100% critical damage ⇒ +100% critical strike chance and +20% critical damage now it's a unique item.
  • ♦Jewelled Glove: wearer's skill casts can be critical ⇒ wearer's skill casts can be critical; +20% critical damage.
  • ♦Echo of Luden: Strength no longer depends on the number of stars. Now deals 200 magic damage per bounce.
  • ♦ Rapid Fire Cannon: +200% range ⇒ +200% range the wearer's autoattacks always hit.
  • ♦Red Buff: 25% fire damage over 10 seconds ⇒ 10% fire damage over 4 seconds
  • ♦Seraph's Embrace has been replaced with Blue Buff.
  • ♦Blue Buff: After using the skill, the wearer gains 20 mana. Unique item.
  • ♦Warmog Armor: Restores 5% of missing health ⇒ +600 health (It now grants exactly 1000 health and nothing more)


  • ♦Supermech skill is no longer canceled when the primary target dies.
  • ♦Ekko's ability now stuns Aurelion Sol immediately instead of after a delay.
  • ♦Aurelion Sol no longer gains mana from the starship trait and cannot cast the skill at the same time as Ekko.
  • ♦Aurelion Sol no longer spends mana without releasing drones at the start of a round when enemies cannot be targeted.
  • ♦Caitlyn's ability is no longer interrupted if her target becomes invisible.
  • ♦Snipers' perk no longer increases Runaan's Hurricane damage.
  • ♦Fixed an old bug where turning the Tear of the Goddess into a full-fledged item in the middle of a battle would give a fighter extra mana.
  • ♦Fixed bugs that caused Ziggs' skill bomb to disappear mid-flight.
  • ♦Fixed an extremely rare bug due to which the player could only get 6 items from loot.
  • ♦Increased the recoil range of Luden's Echo charges to increase the durability of the item.
  • ♦Fixed a bug due to which, during the upgrade of the champion, he could have several Shrouds of Silence.


  • ♦The application has a team planner! Assemble your dream team before the match starts and check in with them as the game progresses. Your command will be available until you exit the application.
  • ♦The store is open. On sale arena skins, little legend eggs and more! The choice is still limited, but in the future it will expand.
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Teamfight Tactics

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