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In LoL Update 10.18, Ahri Will Be Redesigned To "Improve Gameplay".


League of Legends Nine-Tailed Fox Ahri is getting some nice buffs in League of Legends 10.18 update. Mage could break into the meta by changing her kit as Riot looks to "enhance gameplay" for Ahri's network.


Ahri fell out of favor in the League's mid lane. There really was no place for AP assassins for a long time - either controlling magicians, or shooters, or tanks played. However, Riot are trying to carve out a new place for the champion in the 10.18 update.

The Nine-Tailed Fox will be redesigned in the next update. Riot are looking to "improve gameplay" for Ahri's web by making her kit less cumbersome to use and opening windows to punish enemies.

“We have several improvements for Ahri on the PBE and are aiming to add them to patch 10.18. [They] should be very small, but primarily focused on improving the gameplay experience,” – told players on Twitter lead gameplay designer Mark Yetter.

"[We want to give Ahri] more flexibility and control over her movement speed."

Riot achieves these goals in two ways, most notably with Ahri's passive rework. Ahri's old Q healing passive has been moved to her new passive, Vastaya's Grace. Healing will be more effective, but only affects enemy champions. She can still stack charges from minions.

However, Ahri does not lose her old passive movement speed skill. When Ahri casts Foxfire, she gains 40% bonus movement speed, decaying over 1,5 seconds. 

Foxfire will now also deal double damage to minions below 20%, making it a solid tool for pushing back waves. To balance the increase in strength, Ahri W's mana cost is increased to 55 at all levels, and the cooldown is also increased by one second.

Kayle's buffs in League Update 10.18 target a weak laning phase

Ahri isn't the only Riot Champion targeting the 10.18 league update. Kayle is also set to make some changes to help her excel in the laning phase instead of just progressing to levels 11 and 16.

"[Our goals with Kayle are to give her] a more active laner where trading punches with the enemy laner is a more accessible option than purely passive play," Yetter added.

To do this, they unlock her E power early. His cooldown will now decrease with ranks, and his mana cost has been completely removed. The missile's speed is also increased to give it instant power.

Due to the removal of her mana cost E, the mana return on Q ⁠ that helped Kayle conserve her resources ⁠ also disappears. The mana cost of her W is also increased, which should increase the punishment window for enemies if Kayle makes a mistake.

League Update 10.18 is due out on September 2nd. Kayle and Ahri's changes are available for PBE testing.

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