Teamfight Tactics
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All item updates in TFT "Wonders of Progress"

There has been a change in several items in Wonders of Progress. Learn more about all the updates in patch 11.22!

In Wonders of Progress, some items have been reworked with an eye on the mechanics of Confrontation. Some tools have received new icons, and one of them has also received a new name. Other items have had their functionality changed to better fit into Wonders of Progress!

Below you will find a new cheat sheet with descriptions of each item in the set. We will also explain all the reasons for the changes!

Functional changes

Radiant Heroic Era items are a hit with players for their cool new archetypes, unique stats, and additional ways to influence balance. This is what inspired Riot to make the changes described below. Some items have new parameters, while others have been completely redesigned. According to the developers, they will be looking at updated items on PBE and live servers, so some numbers may change later. Now let's get to the details!

Staff of the Archangel

Reworked: During combat, the wearer gains 25 ability power every 4 seconds.

Why: The Staff of the Archangel has been completely redesigned to be a decent tool for late-game mages.

Banshee Trap

Reworked: At the start of combat, the wearer and allies on the same row within 1 slot gain a shield that blocks damage (up to 600) and the effects of the first enemy skill applied to them. Additional Banshee Traps increase damage blocked, but do not affect the number of shields.

Why: The Banshee Trap was not very well balanced and sometimes completely blocked enemy skills, no matter how powerful they were. And if there were several Traps, the situation only worsened: spellcasters hitting single targets could not do anything at all. Multiple Traps are still effective against damage, but now they don't affect casters as much.

Thorn vest

New: Gives 80 armor (including components)

AoE Damage When the Owner is Hit by Attacks: 80/100/150 >>> 60/80/120

Why: We emphasize the main purpose of Thorn Vest (a tool against physical damage), reducing its area of ​​effect damage.

Blade of death

Reworked: Now grants 50/75/100 bonus attack damage (including components)

Why: The old Deathblade was difficult to balance for champions who effectively used multiple copies of it or used it in conjunction with Runaan's Hurricane. The Blade is now even deadlier with additional attack power.

Dragon claw

Cooldown: 1 second >>> 0,5 seconds

Max Health Damage Ratio: 30% >>> 18%

Why: Dragonclaw was too effective against quick-fire casters (like Ziggs) because the fireballs dealt too much damage. And because of such a cooldown, some spellcasters were hit several times in a row. Due to the changes, Dragon Claw will hit different targets more often, but its damage will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, the more fireballs, the better!

Hextech bayonet

Removed: No longer applies a shield when overhealing

New: Now additionally heals the ally with the lowest health

Why: The Radiant Hextech Bayonet was very good, and gave rise to unique builds like Dr. Brand and Dr. Vel'Koz. So we're moving the radiant version into Miracles of Progress - just removing the overhealing shield so the bayonet isn't too strong.

Precious Glove

New: Now grants an additional 10 Ability Power

Why: Precious Gauntlet required a lot of ability power to unlock its potential, so we're adding this stat to the gauntlet itself. We will have an additional way to influence the balance, and the item itself will become stronger.

Swift Silver

New: Gain an additional 20% Attack Speed

Why: Swift Silver was a big hit in TFT: Fates as it featured a lot of CC and strong melee carries. In Confrontation, there was less control, so Swift Silver tarnished noticeably. Attack speed will make the item less dependent on the number of crowd control effects in the set, and it will be easier for us to adjust its balance.

Hurricane Runaan

New: Gain an additional +10 attack power

Removed: No longer triggers on-hit effects

Why: On-hit effects are tricky to balance between different sets, as they depend on specific champions' arsenals. Often, Hurricane Runaan proved to be incredibly powerful in the hands of a couple of heroes and useless for everyone else. This item is still meant to be an attack power-focused carry, but now it will fit more champions and we will be able to better balance it.

Sharpening Statikka

New: Gain an additional 15% Attack Speed

Why: Statikka's Shanker suffered from the same problems as Hurricane Runaan, but even worse. It was used only in a couple of niche compositions. With its attack speed, Sharpening will finally become a worthy tool for teams with a lot of magic damage.

Appearance changes

Riot Games has also changed the appearance of some items to make them more distinctive and authentic for Teamfight Tactics. The most significant change has come to Force of Nature, now known as Tactician's Crown. The mechanics of the item remained the same, and this was done in order to get rid of associations with the tool of the same name from League of Legends, which is designed for tanks and increases magic resistance. Some of the other items - Titan's Resolve, Hextech Bayonet, and Statikk's Shiv - have had their icons slightly changed to make them more visible in battles. Finally, Zeke's Herald, Ionian Spark, and Dragon Claw have received a complete visual overhaul, making them stand out more from other items and have a new look that better reflects their power.

As usual, it will take time to get used to the new icons. But in the long run, this increased level of clarity (and level of coolness in the case of Crown Tactics) will benefit the game.

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