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Last Day on Earth: Survival Walkthrough Guide, Useful Tips!

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Your first few days in the wasteland can be tough, so we've put together a little guide to help you. Last Day on Earth: Survivalto help survivors navigate this new, treacherous world!

Your goal is to survive in a hostile environment, establish your base, collect resources and repel the invaders, both living and dead.

You will spawn on a piece of land that will serve as your base. Initially, a choice of basic resources is available - stone, wood, berries, a small supply of iron and a few zombies / wolves / deer. This area will be your hideout in this world, and resources will not respawn here. You will notice that your food/water supplies are depleted very quickly, but don't worry about that. Your first goal is to stay alive and collect food to survive the famine. Later, you will have to expand the area so that you can place useful buildings like a campfire, smelter, small crates, etc.

The first thing you need to find is an old truck that contains some useful loot. You can find a machete inside the car to deal more damage to enemies and wear a thick jacket for protection, but be aware of the durability of weapons and armor. This can also be used as a storage container.

(ADVICE) - To kill the Deer, sneak up on him with a melee weapon (I recommend using the Spear to give him one accurate hit) to deal more damage.

First craft an axe, spear and pickaxe

There is a lot of crafting in the game, so you might not figure out what to do first. The Axe, Spear and Pickaxe will be the most basic tools you need and are important as you progress further. Starting by collecting stones and logs, you will collect enough resources to craft the three main items and thus be able to collect more resources (cut trees, hunt, etc.) Kill zombies, if you want to make your life easier, they are the best choice.

Last Day on Earth: A Survival Guide

Build your base

Your base will keep your belongings safe from intrusion or light zombie attacks, so you should build it as soon as possible. A small house that can take up one or two small boxes is more than enough in the beginning (you can expand it later). Start a garden and collect water so you always have food and water. In any case, you will receive jars and water daily, but this may not be enough. Don't forget to secure your base and make it impenetrable and don't forget to add a door (well I guess I don't need to point out why).

Last Day on Earth: A Survival Guide

Look for an alpha base, a crashed plane, or an army supply drop

Once you have built your base, you can start exploring different areas on your world map. Alpha base, crashed plane or humanitarian aid should be your priority as it is the best place to collect valuable materials. humanitarian aid is not too interesting, you can only find normal or mid frequency materials in it (sometimes useful materials), but in the plane and alpha base (available after you get map A), there is a good chance that you will find military suits or weapons (which offer much improved defense).

Last Day on Earth: A Survival Guide

Keep unnecessary items in your base

You'll be able to create a random backpack that doubles your inventory space at the start of the game, but it's not nearly enough to keep all the resource you get from researching outside. With a full inventory, you won't be able to collect the resources needed to move back and forth from your base to place your inventory (which obviously wastes your time and energy). Why don't you just store all the stuff you don't need (those you won't use often) in your base and make the most of your inventory whenever you go out?

Don't take all your stuff with you

When you die, you will lose all the items in your inventory (including those you equip), so you should never take all of your resources with you. You can separate items and keep some of them (if you really need them) or just keep them in your database.

Last Day on Earth: A Survival Guide

Don't waste your ammo

It may be fun for you to destroy all the zombies with weapons, but I strongly recommend that you do not do this. Instead of using ammo against zombies that attack you alone, you should save your ammo for large hordes. Whereas for these individual zombies, a simple spear is enough to kill them.

Last Day on Earth: A Survival Guide



If you want to farm and craft certain material like wood, don't go to any place that is harder than the green level, go to the nearest and safest small grove. You'll want to bring certain gear with you: 1 full-strength weapon, preferably a spear, 1 stack of bandages/food for healing and/or hunger in a quick slot (saves backpack space), 1-2 axes (or a pickaxe if you need stones) / limestone and iron).

Make sure you don't have any other items in your backpack so you only have 1-2 full durability tools in your inventory. Weapons and food will be equipped in your quick slot as well.

Once you are in place, collect only the material you need; You can collect berries as you progress, but consume them while fighting zombies to save your health points and also keep your backpack as empty as possible.

If you're running XP, start by clearing the area of ​​all zombies and gathering all fiber and berries/animals. Use berries and meat to heal along the way. Once you've cleared the area, destroy anything you don't need and start with the wood/stone. Run into the red zone with no armor or weapons (only in your backpack) to farm zombies more safely.

You can enter automatic mode using the button in the lower left corner. Take full advantage of this by separating item stacks to take up inventory space and your character will only collect the resources they can muster.

Other tips

  • ➤ Avoid red zones unless you have full armor, weapons, and a bunch of first aid kits or food; Great will appear if you use a firearm without a silencer.
  • ➤Clear the zombies and the auto farm until there are no resources left, this is an easy way to level up.
  • ➤Use loot boxes to store items until you're done farming.
  • ➤When auto-farming, make sure you equip your best durable weapon and have full health in case the AI ​​attacks you (AI can have a gun)
  • ➤Try this trick: keep melee weapon and sneak from a distance (otherwise you'll be spotted) and then attack from behind. This will give bonus damage. Don't try to use fire weapon , since there will be no additional damage.
  • ➤When you attack, you will have enough time to switch weapons to deal the appropriate damage (don't use the skull crusher when you have a 40hp zombie cleaver).
  • ➤If you clear the yellow area, go through the green area on your way home to get the most out of your trip (if you're processing logs, you tend to collect items like raw leather, meat, and cloth, but not in full) . a stack of 20, so if you enter the green zone you can get double those items, you also get xp and maybe some good loot).
  • ➤Iron and food are valuable, make sure your stoves and storage are protected by a wall.
  • The armor and clothes use a lot of leather, thick cloth and iron, but the investment is worth it.
  • ➤When facing Toxic Spitter it is better to be close as you can dodge the attack more easily.
  • The most effective weapon in terms of cost, durability and damage seems to be the crowbar.
  • ➤Don't worry about the lower floors of the Alpha Bunker until you're probably at level 45, it's very difficult and there are plenty of zombies (you'll need CB Radio to get an access code).

Reset your character

[NOTE] Make sure you throw all your stuff into the box before resetting. You can reset yourself with your items and still be able to get them, but this is not recommended.

Resetting your character is an easy way to restore health, hunger, and thirst to 100.

Zombie Capture

Beware of zombies spawning outside of your base. Once you see zombies outside of your base, all you have to do is go into your house and go into Build Mode. Build the floor and walls around the zombies. Hold the window wall on either side. With the Beta v.1.5.8 update, zombies cannot attack through walls, only through window walls.

If your captured zombie escapes, repeat the steps you took to capture the zombie in the first place.

Spike Trap

Alternatively, when you reach level 18, you can make a spike trap to reset yourself by constantly running into the spike trap.

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