Teamfight Tactics
A strategy game where you take on seven opponents and assemble a strong team of League of Legends champions to fight for you. The main goal is to be the last survivor.
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Teamfight Tactics Mobile First Gameplay Revealed


On February 6, Riot Games revealed more information about TFT mobile, giving gamers an idea of ​​what to expect from the game's handheld version.

We knew that Teamfight Tactics Mobile coming out in March, but other than that, fans didn't have much information about how the game would work when it was folded into the pocket version.

Obviously the core of the game would work great on mobile, but players weren't sure how Riot would handle things like in-game chat, the champion store, and the like. As it turns out, some lucky players will get a chance to play the game in the beta period before the official launch.


Riot showed in his blog post how the game will look and feel on mobile devices. For the most part, it should look the way players know and love.

What will TFT look like on mobile?

Images at a glance confirm that the client will support lobbies, friends and invites, as well as a ranking system and progression. Riot Games says they will add more functionality over time, but it will be available at launch. Game chat will not be available, but the developer is open to bringing it back in the future.

One of the major changes the team has made to make it more accessible on mobile is to make the menu brighter and more appealing to new handheld players.


What has been given a lot of attention is the champion select screen, where players will buy more units to add to their army. Instead of always being open, players will have to do it themselves to buy someone new.

This is a minor inconvenience, but it is a necessary solution as it is not acceptable for the menu to take up the entire screen and clutter up the remaining content.

The store will automatically open at the start of each round, appearing at the top of the screen, so you can still move your units around and keep an eye out for new additions.

It doesn't look like it's going to be too hard, but it will be interesting to see how mobile players can compete with PC players when it comes to carousel-like moments in the game where you need to have good mobility.

These changes aside, it looks like TFT will work basically the same way as its PC counterpart, which is great news for fans of the game.

The mobile release of TFT is just around the corner.

The release schedule is still focused on March, and Riot says they will provide more information on this as we get closer to launch.

Once launched, you won't have to worry about losing any of the cosmetics you've collected as the game will be fully compatible with the PC version.

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Teamfight Tactics

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