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All Characters Expansion World of Warcraft: Shadowlands


Shadowlands is another character-focused expansion, but not all of the characters in it will necessarily be dead. There are many more stories to be told, but rather than bringing back every character who died for a "greatest hits" tour, the team is making a conscious choice to further illuminate the Shadowland plot and Jailer's story.


Shadowlands is an afterlife realm, and as such, life and death have different meanings in the game, which is why not every character involved in the expansion can come out of it intact.

Liche Kings: Bolvar Fordragon and Arthas Menethil

Bolvar will play a role similar to Magni and Cadgard

.. The only time the Jailer of the Damned gained special insight is due to the connection between Icecrown Citadel and the Shadowlands, and Bolvar will use that knowledge to help us on our journey. We can also learn a little more about his own past as well as his former daughter Telia.



Arthas Menthil has not yet been found by insiders. Blizzard is silent on whether or not he will appear; although the developers have stated their intention to tell the best story possible without cheapening the iconic character's storyline.

Night Warrior, Tyrande Whisperwind

Tyrande is in trouble in Torghast and rises to prominence in Ardenweald.. Her storyline from Battle for Azeroth remains unfinished because it continues to seek revenge for crimes committed against the night elves under the guise of a night warrior.


In one of the many scenarios collected from the data, " Relive the final moments of the Night Warrior" , the event is dedicated to the one who came before Tyrande, but we know that she gets some trials in another scenario called " Return of Tyrande Whisperwind" , as she travels through Torghast, fighting off various minions of the Maw, leading to a final showdown with the tormented souls of the night elves.

Although not much information is available, it is implied that Tyrande is following Sylvanas into the Shadowlands, tracking down the Banshee Queen to the Maw, where the Night Warrior is defeated and taken to Torghast, after which she needs time to recover. Tyrande will play a big role in the history of Ardenweald at launch and in future updates. It's hard to tell if we really will succeed save Tyrande...or she dies and enters the afterlife cycle of Ardenweald like Uther in Bastion.

Bwonsamdi and Vol'jin

We'll find out who tricked Vol'jin into calling Sylvanas Warchief.. Another ongoing plot thread from Battles for Azeroth , the spirit of the former chieftain and Bwonsamdi travels to the Shadowlands to unravel the mystery, coming into conflict with Sandstorm's Death Loa Mwe'zala and coming under the radar of the Winter Queen, leader of the Night Fae in the Ardenweald.

I won't buy your cheap tricks!
Azeroth is in ruins... and all because of one... small suggestion... whispered in the leader's ear.
You played your part perfectly! I was supposed to torture you forever... but then someone interfered.
You bore me, Mwe'zala. It's time to take you back to the Other Side.
And you will stay there until the end of the universe. You now have a new boss.
I am free from Mwe'zal's power. You see to it that my people are not subject to him.
Mwe'zala used me... to bring Sylvanas to power. I was just a pawn in his and this Jailer's plans.
So it's time to strike back at the Jailer.
Do you think you can free yourself, Mwe'zala?
Silly loa! My power is beyond your control. I will devour your followers... and then you!

Uther the Lightbringer

Uther returns as an exiled Kyrian. Kyrians are ascended souls reborn in Bastion in an afterlife revolving around order and virtue. Central to Bastion's story, however, is their conflict with rogue Kyrian candidates who fail and become dark symbols of vengeance rather than virtue. It appears that Uther became embroiled in this conflict, and was seen at various times throughout the zone as a Kyrian outcast rather than an Ascended one.


Ysera, Queen of Dreams

Ysera returns with unusual blue eyes. Although her ghost was desecrated and killed in time Legion , we see her ghost return to the Emerald Dream. Given Sleep's connection to Ardenweald, it's likely that we'll find her there, although her human and dragon models have peculiar blue eyes - usually representing death knights/undead, but could also be a Shadowlands spin-off.


Secondary Characters

Several well-known characters will meet with various Covenants.. Judging by the script steps and broadcast text, some of them will be allies, while others will stand in our way.
  • Kel'Thuzad, except that the spirit of the Supreme Lich and former master of Naxxramas got to Maldraxxus, based on the scenario data, he continued his insidious and manipulative methods.
  • Alexandros Mograine and Lady Vashj (now Baroness Vashj) are being tested in the House of the Chosen. The scenario steps suggest that they are allies despite their different backgrounds.
  • ➤Kel'thas Sunstrider returns again, wanting revenge on an enemy from his past by being chained to Revendreth for the crimes he committed while he was alive. He is also listed as a boss in the Natria Castle dungeon, though it looks like we're trying save him from Denatrius rather than defeating the Prince of Quel'Thalas again.
  • Rezan, Loa of Kingswho was killed at the beginning Battles for Azeroth apparently made a deal with Bwonsamdi, which means we may not have seen the last of him.

Encounters with familiar bosses

Other familiar faces look like dungeon and raid bosses.. Including Mwe'zala (a sandy death loa, apparently involved in conflict with Bwonsamdi and Vol'jin), Hakkar Soulslayer (the blood god of the Gurubashi), Millhouse and Millifent Manastorm, as well as Kael'thas Sunstrider. We don't know much about them beyond what's listed in their Encounter Diary, though not all of these familiar faces seem like enemies.


Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen

Sylvanas has a new model, a new color scheme, and Saurfang's scar.. We already know that she is central to history. Shadowlands , although what exactly the Banshee Queen has planned with the Jailer, and whether she will be an ally, an enemy, or a usurper, remains a mystery, and we'll likely spend most of the expansion solving that mystery. What we do know is that she has three of her original nine Val'kyr left, bringing her much closer to "true death" and the endless torture in the Jailer's Maw that she tried so hard to avoid since the day Arthas was defeated.


Sylvanas Loyalists

The loyalists of Sylvanas have deserted her.. While players were given the choice to side with either Sylvanas or Saurfang during the War Campaign, in the future there will be no choice to side with the Banshee Queen during Shadowlands . When interacting with certain NPCs, there may be some special moments that refer to the choices that were made earlier, but there is one single story that the developers want to tell.

This follows the story elements seen at the end Battle for Azeroth , because in several conversations with NPCs Sylvanas' rejection of her supporters is discussed., and how all penitents are allowed to stay in Orgrimmar. While some players might think this means their choice has become meaningless, it follows the narrative adopted by the NPC - this choice was made prior to her duel with Saurfang and the consequent abandonment of the Horde, which will likely cause some of them to reconsider. your loyalty. It also makes sense that the developers want to tell a more direct story about Sylvanas and the Jailer, which may not involve any choice for players...although only time will tell how that narrative will ultimately play out.

Fate of the Forsaken

It will be part of the story but take your time. Blizzard doesn't want to rush into a story without a leader, an abandoned and uncertain future, so it will take some time for this turmoil to play out fully.

There have also long been rumors of Calia Menethil and the Lightforged Forsaken as either a new faction or a change for the current Forsaken. So far, there has been no sign of this in Shadowlands, and this major change is likely to take a long time, although it has interesting potential implications for the future of Warcraft.


The expansion will depend on the Jailer, what he needs and how to stop himBattle for Azeroth was often ambiguous, but Shadowlands much clearer - the jailer is the main threat. His machinations have been causing problems in both Azeroth and the Shadowlands for some time now, but he has more allies than just the Sylvanas we learn about in Oribos and other storylines.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

Torghast - endless dungeon. The developers want the tower to serve as both an important gameplay element and a narrative role.

  • Story-wise, this is the Jailer's power base in the Maw, designed to hold the most dangerous creatures in space, but now it has become a prison for many of Azeroth's greatest heroes who could threaten the Jailer's plans.
  • In terms of gameplay, it serves as an endless role-playing progression dungeon that changes each time players enter and is rewarded with materials used to create legendary items in the Forge of Domination. (we have a separate guide on how to get to Torggast - read here!)

World of Warcraft Cosmos

Chronicles were told from a Titan's point of view, Shadowlands tells it differently. The universe contains worlds of many different inhabitants and their points of view. What we've seen so far is about the Titans and their conflict, but Shadowlands tells the story through a different lens. In essence, Chronicle is a framework, and Shadowlands adds meat to bones. V interview with Steve Danuser (lead designer World of Warcraft: Shadowlands) there hasn't been a clear answer to whether the Titans will be participating in Shadowlands or not, but it's been pointed out that we've never seen the actual home world of the Titans, so it might be something worth exploring at some point in the future. .

Gorribal, Wound of the World

The sword will play its part in the coming events. Another dependent storyline not resolved in Battle for Azeroth ; while we healed the wounded world soul, the sword remains. It is interesting to think that even if the removal of the sword of Sargeras from Azeroth does no further harm to the inner titan, it is so great that it would probably not would be able to be removed by mortal means, and would instead require something of a similar size... such as the titan currently growing in Azeroth.


Azeroth, World Soul

We'll have to wait and see what happens to the titan in Azeroth.. The main element of the long-term plot that they don't want to spoil is the question of whether Azeroth (a titan) will ever be born. The Pantheon believes that Azeroth could become one of the greatest titans, more powerful than Sargeras or the Void Lords, which is one of the reasons Sargeras turned against the nascent world soul. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be something that will be resolved anytime soon, with the focus on Shadowlands rather than Azeroth itself. The real question is what will happen to the creatures that populate the world when this titan is born; will the titanium contained within be a normal manifestation, or will the entire planet be torn apart in the process?

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